I was overjoyed this morning when after some coaching is able to get my home health person Gloria to actually use the medical breathing tape on my bottom of the wounds of been. It was interesting when she did see my wounds to agree that they been healed but didn't think they were healed enough that they should've kept working with me before discharging me. But we're able to get some medication on the wound spots and she was able to apply the tape. The only reason I bring this up is that before she is never use the tape appropriately are apply the tape to the wound site appropriately. Once again the wound is been healed supposedly amusing this tape as a second skin. But she came through and applied the material I felt great all day.
So great that this afternoon I actually went to the movies to utilize that program I'm involved with that for a price monthly I can watch all the movies I would like and that's what I did today. The new Marvel movie with Dr. Strange and a movie about multi-universes from the Asian perspective. What I thought was actually pretty cool was that both movies dealt with the concept of multi-universes. This must be a fad right now so we are going to be swamped with movies and television shows about the whole multi-universe concept. This is kind of a shame because it certainly takes away the mystery. As like it when one item was done on a certain subject and then cleverly before all the copycats gets a hold of the concept and totally wears out.. Marvel has been messing with the concept for some time now as they develop their Marvel universe however the still messing around with time travel to do certain point. Still enough that I'm somewhat intrigued with how they're dealing with various aspects – – there is a point in the avengers in game where they are able to use time travel to go back and make corrections. Concept is kind of fun to mess with so I'll play along for the time being.
As I indicated up gun to two movies which means I've spent a lot of time in the movie house today. I think I was in kind of a daze when I left . In order to get to the bus stop to come home and go to go through some major parking lots across a couple of minor streets. I was on the side of the street when I realize there is a car coming up beside me and for a second I couldn't really figure out what to do. In fact I didn't do anything but stayed in the road there was enough room for him to certainly go around. However he did the stupid thing came up beside be rolled down my window and called me a “stupid ass or maybe a stupid retard” really can't remember which. It didn't hurt like it would've in days past. I just swerved over the side of the road and blew him off and shook my head so that I could clear it and be more focused on my driving. In the past I was spent in an argument about time of thinking of things that show said but I didn't. I don't think I was in danger he didn't come anywhere close to run me over anything like that but it was just somewhat disturbing that he was such a prick…
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