Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Pass The Gas


Finally a totally beautiful day. No breeze temperature in the upper 70s lots of sunshine and the sound of the drill in my mouth. It's not like you can have everything but at least the day was beautiful great for sitting by myself on the back of the building reading.

The trip to the dentist office though not emergent, actually a kind of was but I was not in pain or the tooth had not fallen out of the head or anything like that but the tooth was wiggling back and forth and I want to make sure it was secure before the holiday weekend. I mean in all seriousness perhaps it didn't really matter that much but it seemed like it was important to me to have these loose ends covered. When I called Monday the scheduled the appointment I let them know that I was in no pain just worried about the wobbly tooth and the holiday weekend and luckily they scheduled me an appointment for the day after I called at 2:40 PM. It's like one of those things where you don't want to get into anything to specific just because you don't know how things are going to go not that I was anticipating anything bad but still. This was not front tooth that sort of came apart you remember from a few months ago. I bit down on something in totally broke something in the tooth. Then I guess there was a filling in the tooth next to the loose tooth that had to come out are started coming out it was disintegrating so I thought was Escambia quickfix rapper turned into almost an hour in the chair. Of course I chose to take the nitrous oxide. I tried not to blanch when they brought the contract for me to sign of how much the event was going to cost which was just shy of 200 bucks. Again don't weep for me what else am I going spend my money on? After all these guys are my friends. They like me they welcomed me every time I come in like an old friend. The dentist seems to confide in me about all the problems happening with his family, extended family, listening to him visit with other people in the chair in the dental suites next to me I'm beginning to wonder if this is just his “professional Prater”. He makes everyone feel that they are the dentist confidant. I don't care I like to call myself in the believing I'm different that I live across the street from the facility I can come over any time and I would if you needed me for whatever reason. For example this weekend I noticed his truck was over at the office on Saturday. I almost went over to check them out but decided against it and it may have been my imagination but I think you looked particularly relieved. The story was a was catching up on work Do during the week and I believe that. He was run around the office today like a chicken with its head cut off but he was totally in control. He was dashing between dental suites, making decisions ordering his staff around he was definitely the cock of the barnyard.

One shot to the mouth, who knows how much nitrous oxide I inhaled – – I make a point inhales deep as I can – – maybe 10 minutes of drilling all toll which included the final polishing in shaping of the filling and the wraparound thing on the tooth. There were some light warnings about what I can or cannot eat or should not eat tedious sort of shrugged his shoulders and said eat what you want life to short we can always do it again…

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