Monday, June 12, 2023

It Doesn't Really Matter At All


I once again woke up a little bit disoriented not sure what day of the week that was almost thinking at 1st it was Saturday or Sunday but then running to my logic files realizing those indeed it was Monday and I was immediately hit with a wave of anticipation and some reticence of the week to come. A lot of the foreboding I've been experiencing regarding the upcoming reunion has been somewhat dissipated by my older brother. He and I've communicated a couple times via the phone/messenger and rethink that we pretty much got it under control. My brother even came over this afternoon and read it now only walk through this building and specifically the community room but also across the driveway to the park and checked out a number of different options we might be able to use if need be. We have not yet totally decided on what the venue will be or menu rather whatever is it's going to be already made whether it's fried chicken, pizza are premade sandwiches. I don't think there will be any barbecuing going on but who really knows? All I know it's going to come in soon. One of my little sisters will be coming in a day early to ramrod everything together. She is the most like my mother all my sisters and she has a way to force are well on elements of the earth to get things done. She will whip us in to shape I'm certain.

I'm just back from the market, because of the events of the day i.e. meeting with my brother I'm trying to get a few other things done I'm playing a little bit of catch-up. And get a little concerned about my focus on jalapeno pickled pepper and pickled carrots and spicy vegetable juice not V-8 but the storebrand which I totally enjoy. And y'all know I mix the pickled peppers and the carrots together for my morning drink I also mix in a healthy dose of black pepper an ice cubes. I don't know if I'm ever going to eat this as the Italian cold soup gazpacho since I enjoy drinking it so much more than I think would be trying to spoon out the soup would spoonful of the time. Anyway I just spent more than 20 bucks on juice and cans of peppers carrots. I keep waiting for signs indicating that this current fad is run its course but as yet I'm not feeling it and I love the tangy taste every morning and other times throughout the day. I still think my salvation will be getting the industrial size cans the number 10 size and mixing my morning drink from a vessel the size. I don't know if that will have any relevance as far as how quick i.e. this meal/drink or whatever but it has to have some impact.

I did go to a presentation today by one of the new people here at the facility. Turns out she has worked for and still does to some degree the independent living Center that I work for for nearly 2 decades. She gave a fairly decent presentation for what she knew I have to admit. She was even smart enough to ask my opinion a couple times throughout the presentation. I was quite impressed. I had to keep telling myself she was part of the new legions of independent living. This new crowd talks the talk but they don't know the walk don't really know the history and rather than wasting all my time and energy trying to correct and shine the light on the past may be is time for me just let it go and let the new generation confuse the new people as best they can.. Because in the end no one really cares and in the end maybe it just doesn't really matter at all…

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