Tuesday, June 06, 2023

Totally Tuesday


Supposedly the temperature high today was 91°. I don't believe that granted it felt warm outside today, quite nice, but not anything like 90° but it was nice enough to cook up a fairly decent afternoon storm. I had been trying to read outside in the sun this afternoon but winds came up and began blowing everything all over the place we included so I had to retreat to the apartment. This was all during the later afternoon I had already done my one hour arm-bike workout. I decided I wasn't going to the market today I had enough stuff in-house. Want to reach as much as I could on this quasi-vacation day. That's right we have so little funding at assist, Inc. is not a reason for us to meet if we have the grants to approve. That's okay I quite enjoyed my time off even if I didn't really do anything out in the world. And continue to have that weird survivor's guilt of not doing anything. I've been thinking a lot today about our property inquiry on Utahna drive. It was such a nice little house perfect for watching the afternoon storms roll in. I spent a lot of time out underneath the tree on the front deck readingas well as working in my wood shop making sticks and hooks. Really not much different than what I'm doing now I guess it just feels better when you have a house to do nothing in.

I really trashed the kitchen the past couple of days. I quite enjoyed cooking the steak last night. Now I must go back and washout frypan and some other panels I've used yesterday and today, I want to have this done by 830 tomorrow a.m. when my health person should be here. Not that she cares all but I guess I do. The items I have to wash our grease, make on grease which I don't relish. But as I said it should not take too long, I need to finish a movie I started earlier today on Netflix which is kind of stupid but I want to finish it hopefully I could get to bed and read earlier than usual. Tomorrow is the annual you ILC summer picnic. The summer picnic is fairly low-key. Just the usual hamburgers and hotdogs grilled on a city park pavilion will consumers lineup come through the chow line. I haven't been for years but I thought I would go then I remembered I have aZoom meeting in the afternoon which will take at least 2 hours starting at 1 PM. I would not be able to get back to my apartment in time. Kind of I was kind of looking forward to the picnic. Maybe next year. I did repair my shorts today released one pair that had broken zipper pull. I had Jackson last time he was here open up a couple of them. I still need to pay some attention to some of my hooks. The sticky ends are unraveling under failed rubber bands. A lot of little chores to make a big difference. Enough said I must get to washing dishes and keep an eye out for further electric storms…

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