Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Close Shave Guarantee

 It's almost 9:00 on a Tuesday evening

the wind's blowing fiercely and I hear thunder and smell rain. I didn't think it was going to rain today not until Thursday but that's okay I'm in the apartment and the relatively warm and it's a nice Tuesday night. I wasn't necessarily busy today but I got out of the apartment I went down town for my Tuesday meeting. I really do enjoy the Tuesday meetings. More than anything I love having a reason to vacate the apartment complex jump on the bus and go somewhere. I wish I could say that I had a mild to Wild adventure today but I did not. The most outrageous thing I did was buy another 10 lb can of sliced jalapeno peppers. I'm about out of the can that I purchased last week. I must be eating them too fast but that's okay I guess I'm worth it- - $10 a week.

Before I left on my journey to the city I actually got online and ordered a bunch of refills for my shaver/ razor. I've been putting this off for some time frightened to spend the amount of money that it's going to cost which is almost $40 but you know what I'm worth it. That's my new mantra. I don't know if I needed cartridges I will use them all eventually and I think this way cartridges will get me through the edge of the year. I try to use just one cartridge a month and actually that works pretty well another thing which quite surprises me. I kind of figured they had some kind of inborn mechanism that shut the whole thing down after X amount of days or weeks just so that they would be assured that I'd be ordering more … which I would but I found the razor lasted very well over the whole month and probably would have gone longer if I wasn't so anxious to pop a new blade in. I guess I could enter my name in for a subscription where they would just automatically mail whatever I asked them to do every month. So if I used just for cartridges a month or 1 a week then every month I would get a new package of cartridges. But I ordered 12 because I gave me a good deal on the side of the page for the Gillette cartridges on the internet page that I purchased it with. What really shocked me was that sometime in the afternoon or late afternoon early evening I noticed there's a blockage of light underneath the door. Of course when I opened the door there was the package from Amazon would you been delivered in the afternoon after I'd gotten home from my work at the private non-profit. So I ordered this morning and it showed up at my door this afternoon is that too crazy or what? The Next Step I have to do probably before winter now is to get myself conditioned to the concept of ordering my groceries by the internet and having my order delivered by that afternoon or evening. A lot of the folks here at the apartment complex do this but I just have a hard time accepting this kind of shopping but I'm sure it's the wave of the future and will certainly be better than going out in the super cold this coming winter if there is any super cold. Perhaps the most rewarding event of the day was turning on my computer/ music player and having the speakers work again. For some reason yesterday I did something and shut off the speakers. Eventually I figured out a way to at least listen to but I was watching with my headphones and just gave up on regular listing but this morning or this afternoon as I tried to watch the news at first I had no volume but then something happened and I got the volume back I felt a miracle that happened and I'll let it go on that and enjoyed the evening full of sound …

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