Sunday, September 17, 2023

Reflections on Sunday

It's been another quiet day here at the apartment complex. If had not been for an early morning breakfast with the kids I don't think I would have done anything today except Marvel movies. I know that sounds pretty lame but it's kind of true. Well with the exception of spending a couple hours in the sunshine reading my novel that was about it for today. I'm still quite worried about my butt so I don't want to put any more stress on it than I have to and besides it's Sunday and if I went anywhere what happened to negotiate the horrible streets that are torn up right now because of construction so it's easier just to stay home leaned back in my chair and read. I know that sounds terribly pathetic they're probably even geriatric but that's good enough for the day.

I enjoyed my pickle pepper slices mixed with juice of the peppers and vegetable juice and now I'm adding a can of diced tomatoes when I have them. I have to slow the ingestion however I'm just running through these big cans of peppers way too fast. I was a little concerned I still am about the amount of acid that I'm exposing my teeth, esophagus and stomach too but Mark thinks that's not a big deal and so I'll default to his judgment. Once again I think when I'm ingesting these items during the day I often do that instead of a meal and I'm just wondering how many calories I've saved by not eating a regular meal and having a couple of tablespoons of sliced pickled peppers diced vegetables usually tomatoes but I've also chopped up a carrot and put those in the the general body of sliced pickles I've got some pickled beets and thinking of put it in there as well and maybe some cans of French cut green beans- - I've used the green beans before and they're pretty good actually mixed with the pepper juice. Not only are these other vegetables interesting inside this concoction but the additives stretch out the sliced jalapenos. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if Macy's carried the big cans of sliced peppers but the only Market I've been able to find that actually have them on the shelves is Smith's almost 0 six blocks north of my Apartments. Then there's the added challenge of dragging these big ass cans home with me as well. I can usually do it if I hang the cans off my hook but makes for an awkward bus trip.

It's the last day of the fair today and by now the whole thing is over I'm sure people are just packing up the things and heading out to the next stop down the road. There's nothing worse than the last day of an event like the fair everybody's done just wants to get gone. Things close early people are pulling out. So I missed the fare for another year probably just as well. There's always the Hope however that maybe next year I'll have a reason and a passion to go to the fair but there wasn't one this year…


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