Saturday, December 02, 2023

Satisfying Saturday

 You know when you have one of those extraordinary events you just leaves you almost in disbelief? Well I had one of those last night. I actually turned the light off at 11:30 p.m. after reading a couple chapters then slept till about 5:30 or so and then laid around till 6:00 a.m. and got up. It was a great night no disruptions, no gaseous events or happened to get up a pee or anything else like that. I don't have those nights very often and truly appreciated coming through last night as well as I did to the point that even though the weather seems somewhat inclement I went out and did some shopping for groceries and such. I went out shopping after I went out to coffee which is by myself by the way since my coffee partner didn't show up today which is okay no big deal but it's always nice to have someone to visit with when you're drinking coffee and trying to look cool at 9:30 in the morning. However, the big event of my day was purchasing a beef roast!

It's been quite a while since I actually cooked a roast and felt a little uncomfortable but I gritted my teeth and went for it. I purchased a $21 roast! I can't believe I spent that much money on a piece of meat basically just for me. It was a beautiful piece of meat and I was pleased when I got home to find out that I could easily put my hands on the slow cooker and all the parts. You know what now that I think about it I bought the roast last night and put it on this morning before I went to coffee across the street. I cooked it all day and it was pretty decent by the time I finally dug into it this evening. I was going to put vegetables with it but I never got to that point I lost interest after the potatoes I purchased a few weeks ago had gone around the band and decided just to go for the meet. Of course to finish product is not as picturesque as the starting piece but still it was kind of fun. I'm going to put the roast as it's cooled into a plastic bag and throw it in the refrigerator to enjoy this coming week and then Harvest the juice and use it for gravy for the coming week as well I don't know if I'll make it but we'll see either way it's going to be fun I just know it. The biggest issue however is it took a toll on the kitchen and I think once I get the roast put away and the gravy accumulated I'm just going to let it go until Monday. Sometimes  the best you can do. I'm still in the middle of doing my mail out. Those letters that did not need cash in them mainly the ones going to grown ups are pretty well mailed out now I'm not going to be able to mail anything more until I can get to the bank Monday or whenever. I thought I could sneak some money with my debit card at the market or the cash machine but for some reason I cannot remember my password or whatever that is I need to get money out when I want it. The secret number or whatever it is. Got to go set up another one on Monday when I get the cash for the Christmas letters but then I won't need the secret number change. It's all such a drag…

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