Monday, December 18, 2023

Sleep time

I'm not sure I don't remember exactly when it happened but I know it was sometime yesterday, during the day. I have one of those super cheap clock radios that I purchased from the local Deseret Industries which is a giant local culture affiliated second hand store here in Utah. I think I bought three clocks one time they have a whole area of these cheap clock radios that you would never really want to listen to if you had to. The kind of clock radio you keep in a barn if you are milking cows are in a wood shop that you just want to be able to look up and see the time. They're not bad for listening to talk radio like NPR but might as well forget music really. Anyway I picked them up for a dollar a piece and I've gone through two of them already I'm on my third now. For me their best feature is that the illuminate at night so I can just always open my eyes and see what time it is. Anyway, yesterday I was goofing around with the clock and by mistake I turned it on- - so obviously I was in bed so it could have been yesterday morning early or I remember it was in the middle of the night and I did something in the radio came on and I had to turn it off so in my sleep state I hit either the snooze button or some other button and it went off but in the meantime I flailed my hands to a point hitting all the buttons on one of them was the setting button and every time you push it it adds an hour to the time showing on the front of the clock and by mistake I put an extra hour on the clock. This morning I woke up as usual looked at the clock and it said 5:00 and in actuality it was 4:00 a.m.. I felt more tired than usual but that's not a big deal. Finally, when my clock said 5:55 I looked at my cell phone for some reason and the cell phone read 4:45 a.m. so I thought it was 6:00 a.m. and it was actually just five. I had already been awake for an hour so I knew it was going to be a long day. And this was the day when I was to meet with my writers group. It was our annual Christmas dinner/restaurant lunch and I wanted to be a little more perky than I felt that I would be. Anyway,I  lollygagged around the bed for another hour before I got up at 6:00 a.m. finally. I tried to sleep but it just wouldn't come.

This hasn't been a bad day, had a great lunch with my buddies, but I have to admit being out in the cold I was a little challenged. I don't think I've ever been as affected by the cold as I've been this last season. I'm hoping I'll be able to sleep okay tonight. I'm supposed to be out in the cold again tomorrow to get to a meeting downtown. I may wear a blanket over my legs even if I don't want to. Such are the days of almost winter…

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