Thursday, February 22, 2024


I've kind of been trying to get out of the apartment all day long but today's obstacle is the fact that I cannot get my shoe to stay on my foot. I know this sounds pathetic but it's true. There was a point where I could do this fairly well- - and I could do it now I believe if I really wanted to and there was something I really wanted to go out to do but as it is today's been cold and wet and cloudy and the only thing I really need is something I really don't need. If I could get to the market I would get a box of Ritz crackers a special kind that I have sort of gotten and another staple that has slipped my mind right now. I have the item written on a piece of paper on the table. I would like some more firm grapes but I don't know if that's possible and bottom line is I have a roll of Ritz crackers still and a complete new box of white crackers so I can get by, I still have juice orange juice so I'm okay there really. I'd like to have a backup bottle of juice but I really don't need that till tomorrow or Saturday. I think weather will be better by then anyway and I think tomorrow for instance I could or I will have Melissa put my shoe on herself and she can make sure the shoe is on tight. The problem I'm having with that shoe is that the velcro on the top tie just does not stay fastened when I put the shoe on. Part of it is my grip not being able to forcibly pull the top part to some velcro that will still stick and the other part is that the shoe tends to fall off when it hits my foot pedal. Like I said I used to be able to do this no problem now there is a problem. And if I really wanted to I could go out without a shoe and I don't care what people would say. I just feel more comfortable when I'm completely dressed out in public. I know these are pretty strange words for an exhibitionist maybe I'm just more cautious about my feet then my another parts:-).

Tomorrow's the day! I just got off texting my caregiver who I'm expecting to come expecting to come in expecting to come in early tomorrow morning because I have a 10:00 dental appointment to fix the gaping cavity in my mouth when the filling fell out last week or two weeks ago actually. Fortunately there's been no pain involved and I can't believe I've had to wait this long but hopefully tomorrow it will be done. I don't know how the dentist will make a fill in the stick in there maybe it'll be a two appointment operation but I'll just be glad when it's done that can stop cutting my tongue every time I forget and close my mouth the wrong way. I really don't anticipate much discomfort but then again you never anticipate the unexpected …

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