Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Day Light

Daylight time has been with me now since Sunday and I swear I am exhausted. I cannot say my lethargy is from the longer evenings but something has changed. I can barely keep my eyes open. I am not staying up any later or getting up any earlier either. It’s just light longer in the evening. When I leave in the morning the sky line is dark. I am sure in another week or so the morning will significantly brighten by the time I get to work. Now leaving work when I usually do: a few minutes after five, I feel like I am leaving in the middle of the afternoon. The best part is there is direct sunlight and that means a little heat and I get home before the sun sets.

The networks are still airing first run episodes, at least on the series Dianne and I watch which is weird to be watching in daylight. It’s warm enough that we can actually keep back door to the house open so the dog can come and leave at her will. I can see the neighbors beginning look over the fence into our yard to see if we are out there getting things cleaned up for summer. But as long as House, Bones, 24, Prison Break airs fresh programming looks like we will be social isolates. Should not be long now just a few more episodes left on each series and what is nice some I can watch later either with a repeat showing FOX has been doing with 24 ABC has been doing with a lot of their programming or better yet going directly to the networks websites and watching the missed episode at my leisure. Daylight savings will make a difference when television is done for the summer. Things I can do with more light in the evenings, work out in my wood shop, exercise the dog, read out on my deck, visit my neighbor(s). Spend time with children and grnd children, maybe ride my bike, maybe go swimming or just to the park, how about the summer concert series, go to the library, Barnes and Nobel maybe push my manual wheelchair( but I doubt it) take images with my digital camera. Not that I could not have done any of these things when there was not daylight time it just more probable these activities will get done given more light to do them in.

My dad used to actually count on the daylight savings paradigm to get real work done round the farm where I grew up. I can just remember my dad rushing home from work, milking the cows and then starting up the tractor and haying until after dark. Whether cutting, raking or throwing hay onto the rack it all goes better with daylight.

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