Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Just Coughing In

I don't know what I have got but I have what ever it is pretty bad. I have been basically down in bed since last Friday. No fever, not a lot of coughing but some but just feeling miserable. When I do get up I am dizzy and feel feint . I do not seem to be getting any better so today I am up trying to build my endurance of being “up”. I am going to try going into work tomorrow and see if I can make the work scene all day. Actually, it's not a bad time to be away from work, not a whole lot going on; I just hate missing work.

I am wondering if all the symptoms I have been have is actually allergies? To my knowledge I have never had allergies, least the kind one sees and hears about, itchy eyes, scratchy throat general mucus. But the trees are out in all their splendor and and I sure have all the symptoms. If this continues I will get myself checked out—then what ? Be afraid of the blooms for the rest of my day?

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