Thursday, March 01, 2007

Thanks for the Memories

Today is March the first and though March the first is not our anniversary today is our 15th wedding anniversary! We were actually married February 29th Leap Day1992. Which means the 15 years boils down to 3.75 years if one counts the one actual 29th date every four years as one year. In any case 15 or 3.75 the time has seemed to fly by. Kids have come and gone, grown older, left, married, divorced, had babies moved back in and married again and moved out. We had a great mission farewell for mark A and almost had a wedding in the back yard for Michelle but never came about but we attended via the phone.

We moved into our house on Utahna of the same day we married, what a busy weekend. Dianne and I each had apartments we had given notice on and had to be out the last day of the month: February 29th. We blended families and dreams, acquired Cadillacs, wheelchair vans, Audis and one great dog and one to be great dog. We became grand parents and grieving children as our dads died and the world moved on. We now worry about our mothers as they are alone and join our extended families in trying to support our mothers. Our home, our house serves as our security and families touch stone. Every once in a while all the spinning bodies of our families come together and we celebrate our selves, especially you and me, Dianne…all the boys and all the girls, bros and sisters, sister-in-laws and bro-in-laws. This constellation stays in place for only a day or two and then we must fly to our other places, N.C., Louisiana, Medford, Sugar City, Boise and elsewhere and hope the gods be with us until next great coming together.

Thanks for everything these last 15 years, at least fifteen turkeys we have cooked together, and as many hams and how many roasts it is hard to be sure. Saturday baking bread, Sunday pies and morning NPR and coffee. Thanks for being my partner in our battle against contractors or ‘almost contractors’, tele-marketers, appliance repair goons and the medical aristocracy and the Federal government. I apologize for not being more supportive and will recommit to be a better partner, spouse and husband.

It’s a shame that we got started so late in life at being a couple. 15 years should have been, could have been 30 just as easy had I known you then or you I. A miss placed phone call brought us together that cold February morning 16 years ago. I am glad I made the call and even happier that you answered. I do hope we have time to make the twenty year mark and maybe even 25 if we are truly lucky. If not I just am thank full for every morning waking up next to you with the opportunity of sharing another day. Again, Happy Anniversary and thanks for the memories.

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