Sunday, March 18, 2007

More Mom

I spoke with my mom yesterday, who is now in Boise firmly entrenched a long term care facility. I am pleased to report that Mom is well and doing fine and seemingly enjoying her new environment. I have to admit I have been nervous all week since she flew out of Salt Lake last Monday. In fact Mom sounded great, perhaps a little tired since I called her last evening about 7:00 pm I am not sure how she really feels about being back in Boise but she had better make th most of this move because this is good as it gets, as laid out to her—not by me but by some one I respect greatly. This was something I could not have done.

She sounded safe and secure, more so then I have heard Mom sound in a great while. I had tried to caller earlier in the evening but just got the perpetual busy signal that happens when Mom is power calling. This was securing to me. Mom has her phone and knows how to use it. When I finally did get hold of the 95 year old, I heard her television going in background. This is also a good sign. If Mom has the set on—usually on public television all is well. I don't know but I hope she has cable, she loves the old channels: Turner Broadcasting especially where the movies are shown in black and white, almost commercial free. I understand these channels are also showing old series:Bonanza when Adam was still in the good grace of father Ben, or Dragnet where Joe asked for the fact and only the facts and a host of other 50's and 60's media content that lets these seniors know all is well.

I also found out that Mom actually ventured out of her room and started meeting the residents in her new little universe. She even played her harmonica for the crowd and the crowd loved her. This means Mon will soon be making the rounds visiting with the residents who cannot make it out of their rooms, welcoming the new comers and becoming the “best loved” resident at the facility.

So the family “hot spot” is cooling and the fam is getting back on course. We are little by little scheduling this summer's reunion, now the first week in July in hopes a sister can be there who would not have been able to make our initial date. Mom needs letters though; that's what she asked for when I asked what she needed. Letters from family not close by.

I know these images have nothing to do with todays post but they're images from last week's Trax rides. They are just glimpses of what I see day to day.

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