Thursday, March 22, 2007

I Feel Sick....

I did not post yesterday because I was in bed ill. I had been up late the night before doing the panel discussion over at Westminster College and I felt pretty miserable then but by the time I was done with the panel at 9:00 and by the time I got home I was pretty wasted. Then yesterday morning I could not even get myself out of bed and had Dianne call in “sick” for me. I just laid in bed all day. Actually I was not as sick as I thought I was going to be. Dianne has been coughing round the house for the last week and half and I was spooked that I had finally caught the disease process she had. When I had a coughing fit at my office on Tuesday I knew I had something.

I do not feel so hot today but I have not had any debilitating fits of coughing as Dianne has had .I wonder if I was just exhausted after Tuesday’s 15 hours of being on the job. I just hate to think I have become that weak. I used to be able, to run on maximum for days and still not feel the worse for wear. And really I would have stayed in bed this morning but I felt I had better get into the office. The boss is leaving this morning for southern Utah and will be gone till Monday. Plus my partner, here at the office, called in sick I so it’s good I am here. I took off a while ago across the street for lunch. I went to CafĂ© Trang and got spicy beef and some chicken dish. I have a theory the more spicy you can get your food the better for you that the food is. I REALLY believe this to be he case when a person is feeling sick. So I sat there at my table burning up eating my spiced beef and chicken. I actually feel a little better now then I did earlier, a little more symptomatic but over all I am feeling better; just tired.

A could tell I could tell I was not feeling very well the other night at the panel discussion by the way I seemed to be lashing out. The people I on the panel with were/are idiots and kept saying idiotic things; I really tried to keep myself in check. I could not do it though—they would say something which was just plain stupid and I could keep myself from attacking. I know it was just the disease talking but I swear everyone looked at me like it was me talking. I am sure I am going to be sensing repercussions for sometime. I do have to admit the super-crip was OK. Sure he was a super-crip but he did not pretend to be anything else. Where as the Rasta man was so flim flam I could barely hold my gorge and the ARC representative was such a dimwit we almost got into a fight right there in front of people. Clearly I was not feeling well but I cannot hide be hind such an excuse. I should have been more professional we almost got into a fight right there in front of people. Clearly I was not feeling well but I cannot hide be hind such an excuse. I should have been more professional

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