Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I drove the van into day because I was planning on getting my new-old manual wheelchair and the chair was over at the Buffmire Center where I had a meeting today. This means means I have drug myself in and out of my power chair ob to the drivers seat of the van a number of times and I am exhausted. Now, at the end of the day, I look a mess. My shirt is un-tucked and I have my vest tucked in over my hips as best as I can to keep gross quantities of flesh from being revealed and blinding those unfortunate enough to witness this display of skin. So, I am just sitting at my desk waiting for the clock to hit 5:30 and then just two more lifts. One to get in the driver’s seat and once more again when I get home and re-enter my power chair.

So, I get to the Buffmire building have my meeting and then head over to CREAT to get my chair. My friend Jose runs the program and I did not think to ask how he wanted payment. I just figured I would swipe my card and I would be on my way. But NO WAY! This program only takes checks and I really don’t use checks. They don’t even take cash ( is that even legal?) But, Jose and the others know where I work and they trust me enough that I will have Dianne just write out a check and I’ll mail it tomorrow. So, I am the proud owner of a Quickie GPV, a good looking chair but it sure is wide. It’s an 18 inch(wide) chair, and that is what I need, I have had 16’s and those chairs have not been wide enough but this chair is a literal couch so, we will just have to see. A new chair means there is a lot of things I am going to have to relearn especially if I intend to use it as a “home chair”. Things like transferring from bed to chair and vise a versa, or especially transferring from chair to shower bench and back this is going to be key. If I cannot manage these lifts readily then I may just use the chair as an office chair and weekend chair . One of my reasons for getting the chair is so I can be more physical and hopefully burn some fat. I have been thinking of trying to get a wheelchair volleyball team going for something physical to do. So I know these challenges are coming and I know I am going to frustrated but I know I well be able to work out the ‘bugs’ and I eventually I will have a quality, manual transportation system…let just see….

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