Monday, September 21, 2009


The days flow and I loose time or will to blog like I know I should, but I guess hat is good to some extent. I have a busy life-this weekend it was daughters, grand daughters, wives and wood. Friday I actually ot into my garage first things and began pulling things out till I had actually excavated a place large enough to work. I was even able to free up my table saw,which I keep in a wheelbarrow. I plugged the saw in and it still worked, whirring and screaming as I pushed my sticks through, ripping them to one inch by one inch by at least 10 foot lengths. I was working from my power chair and I did not feel comfortably safe being too high for the saw. I was getting concerned the length of wood I was working with were much too long for to be pushing through my little table saw. I eventually cut the pieces in half and everything seemed much safer. I still need to get a better stand for my table saw. Now, i just need to get another lathe.


Anonymous said...

You blogged today! The life changing event is that I got salaried as an HR Specialist for my company which covers the entire Chicago area. It's sort of a big deal. And I'm super stoked. Anonymous so no one finds out unless they talk to me, but you know who this message is from ;)

Meadowlark's Mind said...

Anon--I'm proud of you--take the ball and run and good luck!!