Monday, August 09, 2010

Conspiracy Theory

Conspiracy Theory

I am getting a little spooked and a little paranoid and I am getting the feeling that the machines of this world are conspiring to get me and I will try to boor my three or four readers further with my diatribe and angst about what machine simple and complex are doing to me.

This morning bright and early a little before 5:00 a.m I had just transferred from my wheelchair to the showerbench as I do every morning and then I push my wheelchair straight back more often then not the chair veers to the side allowing me the swing needed to shut and then reopen the shower door. Every once in a while the wheelchair does not veer and the chair just keep rolling back until; it runs into the bed but way out of my reach even with my longest stick. No problem though. I called and woke Dianne who happily pushed the chair back. If the events of the day had ceased then I would have not thought twice about the collusive events of the machines in my life.

I actually made pretty good time getting ready, having time to eat some breakfast and get up to my bus stop wit time to spare. I was till groggy, however, so I laid myself back in my power chair—and then trying to right myself, nothing happened—dead. The chair would recline further but would not return me to the upright position.—the pressure plate. I thought I had this problem resolved when I had the boys ay Magic Rest disconnect the pressure sensors which stop the function of the power chair. So there I lay until the bus stops. I was expecting a driver I have sort of developed a relation with over the past month but he was not driving today. I called to the driver, informed her of my need and she dismounted from her driver seat and I actually was able to talk her into making my chair operational allowing me to motor own my way. I had effectively dodged the bullet again and my concern rose another level if I had to give level a color I color that concern yellow.

By 8:30 I had drunk my coffee, gone over weekend events with staff and needed the nature call and I zoomed out of the office to restroom. When I got t the bathroom the door was pried open—remember the folks in this building lock the bathrooms—many time the poor and non documented must get a key from somewhere to unlock o if the do get a key many will often lock the dead bolt with the door open thus preventing the door from closing all the way. The door was pried open this way so I thought. Actually what had happened was that someone had actually traumatized the door know/level breaking the door lever and living the “tongue out preventing the door closing and when I went in and pulled the door shut behind me I was locked because no matter how hard you pulled on the lever it was no going to engage and pull the plunger out of the striker and let the door open.

I m almost never without my cellphone, today I left it on my desk. So I beat on the door until I got the attention of someone in my office, who got the boss who called Mikes Lock and key. Mike showed up minutes later and got the process going. Mike drilled out the old lock making a hole large enough to pass screw drivers though. The doorknob had two little bitty Phillip head screws and I was being told if I wanted out I was going to have to dismantle the door knob, a partial quadriplegic and you know what..I did it. The mounting screws of door know assembly are very long talking many turns of a screw driver but I finally did it…all the while Mike from the lock and key place cheered me on. This was pathetically Jerry Lewis but what can you say? I am out and I have just about finished my day. I just ant to get home intact and away from machinery the Borg is out there I know and he is hunting…hunting me

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