Monday, August 02, 2010


Dianne and I have been talking for a couple of years now about getting a new roof on the house. To me this is huge, especially since I cannot climb up on the roof with my brothers or a couple of neighbors or folks from a church or some other ‘happy can I help you’ agency’. That’s the way we did it—actually it was just Dad and the boys laying down the shingles and doing it right. But each heavy snowfall and rain produces unacceptable drips in ur downstairs bathroom. I have put the finger on my great brother who has spent hours on the roof trying to find the leak and seal it. We have also had a couple of outfits who are supposed to be leak and roof specialist to do the job but not of these interventions have met our needs. Now our roof is also sagging like a ‘bangers pants’ and I have had to admit we need a new roof but how. I don’t have the connection here like I did I Boise to maybe have the labor donated by those referred to above. Dianne has never had this kind of help and feels uncomfortable in having ‘volunteers’ do this job and we suspect we are also talking bout having to replace sections if not all of the deck from roof rot.

So we are considering a new roof..A NEW ROOF $$$$.Dianne diligently started contacting different roofers and soon had some bids from a couple we felt pretty good about but the cost was up there, no pun intended. We are talking in excess of 10,000.00 which means we are going to have to consider some sort of loan; actually any kind of work we will have to consider a loan—from a bank. Last Friday we finally had all the document the bank person told Dianne we needed to begin the process.

Going to the bank for anything other then cashing a check, I guess, is like going to church, you gotta act pious, dress nice and pray for a miracle. So. I dressed in long pants and wore shoes and a shirt with a collar. I suppose what happens next is as much our fault as the banks since we just dropped in without making n appointment with the loan officer. When we arrived Matt had this redhead at his desk and it did look like they were doing some kind of bank business but it was weird, everything seemed to shift into slow motion –and its not like we were going anywhere either. This bank business was all we had scheduled for the day so we waited and aited and waited while the too seemed to lollygag—gag is right. Dianne read magazines and I rolled round the bank, lying my wheelchair down here and there to take the weight off my butt. I am sure we did not wait more then an hour but it seemed for ever. I was surprised that when the they were finally finished and Matt called us in—I gave Matt to option of taking a bathroom break before he started on us but he smiled and called us back say everything was just fine.

The interview, I assumed went fine, we have not heard anything yet—we have some other options, hopefully. I just hope we have the roof done my the

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