Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Transit Whale Pods

The local transit authority has gone all mod and is really delivering some effecting transit options for people wanting “to park their cars and ride:” Traxx= the train, they also have Express busses( expensive rides which ‘bullet’ to direct points no stopping or wandering all over the countryside pick up kids for school. The Express whales offer Wi-Fi, lay back seats and probably music, then there are the Commuter buses ( the kind I used and described in Monday’s post). So you have all these transit systems all coming single point destinations called Transit Hubs. I think the hubs are kinda need. People are hanging round waiting , a trnsit whale pulls in and a segment of the folks peal off from the mass enter the whale and it ‘swims’ away. There is a strange, low grade excitement which permeates the area. I kind of liked it—I wished I had taken some images or footage capturing the essence of the transit hub or pod for transit whales.

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