Sunday, December 26, 2010

Yule Update

My last day of work was Wednesday, with the Holiday falling on Saturday, I had to use a day of work to enjoy the part of the weekend I would loose since the State has the day off the working day bwfore the holiday when the holiday falls on the weekend and since we already enjoyed having Friday off as part of of our regular three day weekend we then got the a day before the Thursday. I chose Thursday and I should be off work until January 3rd all this next week.

I have not done much over my days off except cook, deliver Christmas gifts and do grocery shopping to be sure we had food in the house we would needed and wanted for Christmas Eve and Day. I HAVE watched too much television and not read enough but I am going to make up for this this next week...I hope. I have not drunk to excess not once not even a nip, as yet. I have eaten, however, a lot of fruit cake soaked in rum which may count to my alcoholic this holiday season.

Perhaps the most significant event I have experienced this season in rekindling my association with my mother's sister Elaine, who I distanced my self—not on purpose—from after my mom's death. The visit wasn't long but Dianne and went to her home with gifts,smiles and good cheer. Elaine looked great, as always, quiet, gracious and sophisticated. I was good and minded my P's and Q's. We left promising to have a meal together soon following the new year. The next most significant event we,learned last night at mind-night when Bridget called to inform Dianne and Me that the fetus she has been carrying is a boy!! I have to cave into the excitement wondering what having a grandson will be like. After so many granddaughters a grandson will be something new, and close—life, I think will change having a new grandchild round the house.

I have been dong a little more art since my vacation started. We are watching Anakah over the school holiday break. Anakah and I painted, Thursday when she was over, did some reading and went out to lunch. Anakah was was home Christmas Eve and over course we were over in the morning Christmas to watch her and to open our gifts. Gabe and Bridget put together great breakfast. The rest of the Christmas day we spent at the house watching recorded television programs. I did get Scrooged watched and a host of Bio's other recorded. I do want to get by a Redox and get some some movies to watch. Today, I have been cooking a little for breakfast but I intend to fix something serious for dinner. We cooked a roast Christmas day and with the left-over I want to make enchiladas. I have downloaded a recipe I found on the NET and I anticipate a good dinner. This is the update—pretty droll I know but tomorrow's post I hope to be better another Christmas story, something real, true and Christmassy. Oh and today snow is falling as I type. Merry Christmas!!

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