Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Five Days Aweek!

This week the State returned to the five day work week, hours returning to the traditional 8:00 am-5:00 pm, we're into day two, actually three, if you count the holiday Monday as being part of this week. I would love to say I am open to this change, and that I am going to make the best of it—which I will, but I am not very open to returning to the five day grunge. After all as many of you know the reason I started State employment was because this position I am in was set up as a 4-10 work week. Granted when I hired on this was a two operator office and we covered each others position—I had Friday's off and my partner had Mondays and the world was right. However, with the recession, depression or what ever, things all changed and particularly in the State universe. Little by little my funding dried up, I lost my other operator and had to return too the five day week until the governor, the last governor went to the four day week and now we're back.

Looking at the five day week seems more more ponderous then the five day week actually is. I m going to have to re-arrange my life a little. I am going to keep my physical therapy appointment on Friday mornings and just take off sick for as long as I have PT—I should have more then enough hours in my State sick leave account. Then this Friday I have one of my quarterly meetings—which runs from 11:00-2:00 and with travel I I should only be in the office two hours, late in the day. So, the bright side, this is not so bad I just have to get used to the extra day. I start my work day an hour later then I did on the four day schedule, but the later hour does not help me much since I am an early riser—once I am dressed in the morning I am gone. The only benefit I do enjoy is that now I can stop for breakfast along the way—which I did this morning—the golden arches and they have WiFi that is free. I will survive.

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