Monday, September 26, 2011

More of the Same

I get so frustrated in trying to live as someone with a disability. I actually I have done pretty well for the 40 some years I have been disabled. I have been fairly healthy, independent and self driven bu the past couple of years I have been spiraling, what seems downward. I am aging out of all the good things I have been in this life and I really don't think there is much I can do bout it.

I have been doing physical therapy, for s much as my insurance will cover the past couple of years; partially to develop muscle or strengthen what muscle tissue I already have to assist me in my activities of daily living you know: showering, using the toilet, get dressed. I have also dipped back into ye ole medical to get some pressure sores repaired. The benefit of being enrolled in a P.T. program is this association opens up channels to get more equipment a person might need to stay independent. In fact I have just about got a complete rebuild on my powerchair.

I started breaking down skin on my butt recently which led me to ordering A NEW SUPER IMPROVED wheelchair cushion. I have never had so much professional intervention in purchasing a new cushion. The device finally came in and I picked it up and started using the cushion a week ago. I have to admit I was disappointed a little. I did not get as much butt relief as I had anticipated even though cushion is maybe a quarter to half inch higher then the worn out cushion. This does not sound like a lot but in economies of scale, an inch can be like ten feet. So, I have really had to use all my strength to get myself up into this chair in the mornings when I transfer from my manualto the power chair to begin my day.

The leg hanger finally came in last week. The hangers are the last step in the process of rebuilding my chair so I might continue being a productive old guy with a disability my PT called the shop and and found the parts in last Friday morning and I scheduled the following Saturday get the parts an start using them and getting used to them so when I go into therapy this coming Friday we will know where to tweak the devices and make them better. And of course this morning on the way to work I break one of the hangers—Grrrr. What is it with me. The right hanger's foot plate was not tight and when I drove my chair down the ramp and onto the sidewalk then onto the street I ran into the crown of the street breaking the cast iron part which is critical to having the hanger be functional.

Naturally when I get into the office I have Frank look at the part and diagnosis the issue, I all my shop and begin the process of getting this piece repaired or what ever. There was so issue of me having to pay for the labor to restore the part but they called while I was out at lunch and will eat the labor. Now, I just have to saddle up and bus down( burn vacation or Sick, at least 90 minutes) to the shop. Its going to be a long week.

1 comment:

Ronald I Bremer said...

Wheelchair or lightweight wheelchairs are mobility aids that can help people who are not strong enough to support their own body weight or who are unable to walk due to paralysis, a medical condition or injury move about more independently.