Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Bye Bye Rehab...

I've known this date is coming I've known for some time, in fact every time you begin something new , just by virtue of beginning there is going to be an”1End” somewhere down the line.. Yesterday, Monday, was I thought ,my last day in physical therapy for this insurance year . I've been doing physical therapy for almost a half a year now. Twenty-six. visits is what I get on my insurance allocation, and I've about finished my insured visits. I started out have my physical therapy appointment on Fridays, however this week I switched to Monday so Dianne could come with me. Dianne is only free on Mondays and we needed to have Dianne at this PT session so she could learn some physical therapy movements and processes to help me with my physical therapy at home.

To be honest, I'm kinda glad that my physical therapy is ending. I'm not really sure how much good physical therapy does once a week. Couple years ago I used my therapy in three day a week segments and I saw some improvement in my physical state. Even if I was not as happy with my physical therapist I had then as I am now the three day a week schedule helped me in my ability to transfer from chair to power chair to battle back again. A lot of things changed this year. This time last year the state still on a four-day week which allowed me to schedule my PT appointment on the day I had no work. I did not lose any of my vacation are sick leave. However last September State went back to a five-day workweek meaning I now had to take at least four maybe five hours to do my physical therapy session and get back to work. So having to pay for the 20% of the physical therapy appointments the insurance did not cover plus having to eat 4-5 hours of vacation or sick time, I suddenly realized I was losing out big time and I needed to consider just how much the physical therapy was actually helping me. Hopefully, if I continue to work at this position will have another 26 visits, July 1.

I was under the impression that yesterday was my last therapy visit for this year. But now the scheduler seems to indicate that I have yet one more visit, which is cool but I wonder just how many visits I have coming because this more visit' routine is getting old. I have to say goodbye to everyone all over again and then look stupid when I show up the next week and have to explain what I m doing there. So I have a call into to PT to see if they can give me a definitive answer and if I have to show up for my regularly scheduled appointment this coming Friday morning.

Breaking News: I just got off the phone with the P.T. scheduler from the U., and looks like they have found two !! more visits--and of course my Friday slot has been filled so I will be doing another Monday morning"Last"visit. My P.T. says she want to "hold" onto the other visit so when we get an P.T. aid who will visit us at our house and stretch and bend me there( which is another story entirely)--Doc Sue my therapist

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