Wednesday, January 04, 2012

It's Not About Me!!

What a weird morning but still enjoyable like winning something totally unexpected, like winning something when you did not even know you were in the contest. I am fortunate enough to have a window, actually two windows and both open to the West of Salt Lake City, actually 300 West and many who visit the building my office inhabits park in front of this great building. I enjoy watching people come and go all day long.

Recently, our building got a new tenant the Utah Asian Association,which will be known from now on as the Asians . This opening has been a long time coming, more then a year. Before the Asians the Mexican consulate shared the building with us. The building has three floors so these folks run a pretty big operation. So, once again our building is full of noise and people coming and going and I have a great continuing show with my Window on the West. So, imagine my surprise today when a station wagon pulled up and two people got out and I was a bit taken aback I recognized the folks as my cousins (my cousin and his wife)!!

My cousin Jess and Judy live all the way in the South Valley area know as Sandy ,Utah. Really the only way they could be all the way up, town parked in front of my very window was to specifically see me. And the only reason they would be all the way up town would be something so large and so dark had occurred, and everyone they knew who knew me/or us had lost our phone number making it mandatory that they drive all the way uptown to deliver the grim news and the only new which could be this grim would be the passing of my most ancient Aunt Elaine. So, I knew a ill wind was on its way.

Because these people are even older then I am and because I imagined them becoming confused when trying to convey to the Asians , who are new in the building and wold not immediately know who I was let a lone where I might be, I flung open the door to head the folks off at the pass. Sure enough there the both of them were engaged with the director of the Asian association I deep conversation which took on an even deeper level of concentration as they witnessed a fat man in a powered wheelchair emerge from the office across the hall and rush toward like he knew you should know him. I could sense their anxiety escalate as somewhere in their old brain they were being warned that somehow they should know this guy but “keep the shield up”. Then suddenly the light breaks through and the realize it is I their wayward cousin. I then notice there are wearing their little “Mormon” tags that all missionaries wear and I remember,'that’s right they are serving a work mission. They are serving a work mission with the downtown Asian ward!! So they weren’t here to see me—which is OK, which also means that Aunt Elaine is not dead.

So once again I am brought back to reality, I am not the center of the Universe, as much as I sometimes imagine. But how nice to believe tht every once in a while.

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