Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Blogs and Journals

We are currently in the middle of converting what used to be the computer room into the computer room plus workout equipment room or our Mini gym. You might remember me going on on about this a few months ago when I ordered my Saratoga Silver hand workout system. My goal then was to change the room. Last week when Bridget was over she helped me clean my desk and I think that's what got things going. Yesterday while I was at my volunteer position Dianne began making giant inroads on the room conversion. She took the giant close rack down to the bedroom and actually moved my rickshaw into the computer room! She even tried to bring in the little universal gym I purchased from Big five last summer. Alas there was not room for the mini-gym. I guess if I use the gym it will be out in the garage which is doable I appreciate that Dianne has taken such an interest in the room conversion. I feel the gym is ask a coming together. But that is not what this posting is about. The other day when Bridget was here helping me clean my area she noticed that I had a stack of day timers and actual journals that I've kept over the years. I wish I had been faithful to always kept a journal but I have not so journals seem to be a bit hit and miss but they're there in all their chaos. I jokingly told Bridget that at least it would be fodder for some history major/grad student the way through and write an impartial history from. It was that moment when Bridget was confused asking or is that not what the blog is all about? It I told her it is not.

A blog to me is sort of like journal lite. The posts are written to be entertaining, seems to me. It's a published document even if only on the Internet. It is meant to be read by many people usually, hopefully which I don't think is the same as a journal. To me, a journal is a document usually written just for me where I document goings-on of my day there may not be personal, confidential or for the public. Many journals asked to come with locking key to keep prying eyes out, a journal is information just for the writer of the document. A journal is that piece of information which remain after the writer has passed, left to the world, for the world to figure out. I have journals scattered round the house from Hell to breakfast and who knows where else. I have even started keeping an on line Journal I have been using with Note Pad-I am now toying with the idea of downloading the document at the conclusion of each month and placing it into a binder a master document. I also little by little want to put the other Journals on disk with my end hope being able to leave set to each of my descendents to let them do ith as they well.

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