Sunday, December 22, 2019

Circling The Drain

Image result for Recent images of Donald Trump

I did okay this morning. I love it when I can get a second sleep. I called the second sleep the sleep I get into following a very early wake-up after just a few hours sleep. I suffer from this a lot but every once in a while I wake up very early like 3:30 AM and unable to get back to sleep and if I get another 60 to 90 minutes I'm amazed at how well I feel the rest of the day how delicious it feels to wake up from that second sleep. As I said today, I got a second sleep and when I did wake up my mind was racing and I had the weirdest sensation/prompting/ideas for a blog post. Which would be today's.

I've typically stayed away from any postings about the leader of our country right now. I think the guy has really got his tit in the ringer. I don't know why I had this vision but I saw the president last couple of images that's been posted of him standing holding onto the podium with both hands and having that desecration smile that happens when you just trying to get through to the end of his job.

I was really going to town on my thoughts I was thinking like a boss,Like who's going to hire this guy after he loses his job. With the new boss actually ask when Donald applies for the next job “ Does he have any priors?” I mean this guy has all the appearances of a man going down the tubes, He is circling the drain, anyone who's ever been removed from a job one reason or another in a a state or federal job knows the process understands of the situation the current Commander in Chief is going through. It's a matter of time now no matter what happens I think the guys out of here. At this point everything is just fluff, let's see his profile on the news ,a man standing at a podium grinding his teeth head down wondering how he got to this position in life. What did they promise him in the background when they told him that they could make him president of the United States?

You understand I recognize his position. I've been there, certainly not on the national or international stage but in that position where you're at your job and everything seems to be going wrong the matter what you do and all you're doing is trying to swim to the edge of the pool and stay out of the drain. The swimming is slim but sooner or later you just get tired and you let go and suddenly you're gone.

Not saying I like the guy, I don't and I'm glad he's in the cycle antes heading down the drain. I'm just saying I understand that look in his eyes but I see when they publish images of him talking to his constituency trying to convince them as well as himself that he's okay and everything's on line and tomorrow everything will be better. He never tells them About deals he's made with certain men in black, the puppet masters, the string pullers, that shadow group that's always in the back of every Stephen King novel. Their live in their out there and I'm just saying I recognize that look in the commanders eyes…

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