Thursday, December 26, 2019

Final Chapter

Don't you just hate it when you're close to finishing book are then book is destroyed one way or the other ? I'm sad to report that happens more than I'd like to admit. I guess if I'm really committed to finding out what happened to the characters are the situation of the book then I'll begin the process of trying to find a way to check out the last chapters of that volume. Difficult many times and often I'll lose interest and go on to the next book. I kind of feel that way with people in my life who I've lost contact. I don't know what happened to them. I suppose not finding out what happened to their lives after I knew them will make any big difference one way or the other My life except satisfy a possible itch.

I sometimes wake early in the morning (like this morning 2:23 AM) When I wake this way I try not to think of anything which will allow me to fall back asleep but more often than not a mind to lock on a person and I'll start thinking about them and wondering how their life has unfolded. I really like the idea of social media because this allows me to some degree get a hold of what happened to these folks lives. What amazes me is how predictable a lot of these folks ended up. Like Roger used to stand next to me in PE every morning and eighth grade. We had to stand on our number of Coach Smith took role. Roger is kind of quiet and isolated and sure enough he sort of a mountain man type of guy. A bit of a survivalist kind and isolate probably want to be biker with a pickup truck equipped with an easy Rider rifle rack. My best friend John was pretty quiet is still pretty quiet living a quiet unassuming life. He had a career with the State. I think John is quite remarkable in that he is pretty much stayed off of social media entirely and again this does not surprise me a bit. His brother Tom was an active skier and worker who followed much of his father's example of working with high-power electric lines. Tom has at least an account on a social network and unable to follow his life a little bit closer. There are others that have toyed with social media but have shucked off that coil and gone deep into the quiet life of successful senior living. These are all the cool kids, I guess you call them cliques. You could tell from their flirtations with social media that they were still pretty well-connected and I'm sure still practicing their socializing a much more private level. I kind of envy them. I wish I could visit with them find out how they did their lives and what they did in their lives. Sometimes as I lay there in bed I contrived possible scenarios of making contact. Then I kind of lose my confidence wonder if they'll just blow me off is somehow I did manage to get through their wall silence.

This last Christmas season as I wrote out cards, follow people on Facebook – – Facebook is the only platform that I really use. It just seems too much work to learn the other platforms at this point in my life and maybe that's my problem. Maybe they're out there waiting to be contacted closer on twitter or Insta gram or whatever new social platform is offered. Hopefully I don't sound desperate, I just have a curious mind and  would like to know how the final chapters read…

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