Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Ho Ho Ho

Today I had lunch with one of my friends from the acting company, 2nd West Acting Company. I think I've discussed this before somewhere in the blog. However, she asked me what I was doing for Christmas. This was the second time I was asked that this day and I have to say that I had to report “nothing”, and that's okay. Really, World! It's not a big deal. A kind of used to it same scenario as Thanksgiving. There's no accessible homes that my wheelchair can accommodate (I don't know if that came out right but I think you know what I mean). Now, even if there were I would have difficulty getting there because I have no means of transportation other than public transit which is not running on the holiday. Luckily, I live in the fine year of 2019 just ahead of the roaring 20s, all over again, and I have texting, video chat which is really just like being there in so many ways except for tactically speaking. And really, touch can be somewhat overrated. I'm not sure what I'm doing for meal yet for that day but already am getting excited. I'm thinking of ham but I also like to think of the possibility of a nice piece of roast beef with a nice crust, mashed potatoes and gravy and something green. There's also the joy is something sweet as well. We'll have to see about that. But I can do all that here at the apartments and enjoy the holiday and not inconvenience anybody. Kids, they're all grown and they have families of their own and now have Christmas traditions of their own and I think that's just wonderful. Different families, different states, blended, adopted, separated and estranged it's hard to see people this time of year. I understand that no pressure, no pain and joy the holiday.

As for me and my house After I have finished with my home health person sense Christmas falls on one of the days that I have my aid come in (with holiday pay mind you) I will text, video text and Facebook I'm sure for a bit and then I plan to do some holiday viewing. I would like to see “Scrooged”, with Bill Murray. I love this version and try to watch it each year. I've already seen Holiday Inn, but since it's free maybe I watch it one more time or at least have the movie running in the background as I prattle around the apartment. For sure, however I'm going to watch The original “Die Hard” with Bruce Willis which I feel is the best Die Hard. I may watch a couple of the others I do have the DVDs that they're not quite as Christmasy as the original and maybe just maybe if I have the time or the endurance find the original “Home Alone”. I think that about Christmas me out if I can hack that many Christmas movies.

I still plan to hit the market for my grocery list three different kinds of potato chips, maybe a summer sausage and extra sharp cheddar cheese. I got a new canister of white cocoa mix and yesterday my dentist dropped off a bottle of eggnog so I'm set. I still have significant amount of time before I hit the market. I love this time of the year, I'm totally excited. I have lost my Santa hat and that's really okay I do want to be too dorky… Or creepy. I've got a few more emergency gifts to purchase you know the kind that you have next to the door so when people unexpectedly dropped by with gifts and such you have something to hand them like you meant to all along. Anyway, don't any of you worry about me I'm excited about the season, I'm set and ready to go… Ho, Ho, Ho Merry Christmas…

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