Saturday, February 08, 2020

Saturday Afternoon ramblings

I think I'm getting better physically. At least during the day up that I feel okay perhaps with the exception of being a little tired of worn-out. That being so I still trying to keep up with my daily work out even minimally. So I'm only doing 30 minute workout on my arm bike right now. I would like to be doing 40 minute workouts three days a week 30 minute workouts the other three days. I don't think it will really throw me into a relapse by working out more I just don't want to rush into more intensive working out. During the night however it's kind of different. If I don't work out during the day I find I have a difficult time sleeping during the night especially right now but I'm having a difficult time sleeping because of the congestion and wheezing I guess, caused by the congestion. While going through the event I tend to worry but I'm pretty good to go for the remainder of the day. So I think the workout is good for me from resting point of view.

Finally my cough is not as rough and constant as it has been to the point where I did not want to go out in public and I don't think it was wise for socially responsible to go out. However, now I am well past the point of infection and I'm feeling a little antsy about getting back into the real world. Actually there are couple movies I would be interested in attending and believe that now I can sit through a showing and not cough my head off. The other problem is the ice flow outside on the other side of the fence where I live. There is a short piece of sidewalk which is not been cleared of snow and of course snow that did fall has turned to ice. What is sad is that the property lines of the project where I live coincide with the ice flow. I believe I wrote about this a little last year. Large part to the other side of our project and the filling station on the other side is clear it is just us which encompasses the UTA bus stop. If I didn't feel so compromised from my disease process think I would be more inclined to be out and about rather than hunkering down in my apartment watching the days float by.

I'm quite a believer with healthy food making healthy body and you're sick certain foods act as healing agents. Most notably is garlic, I totally believe in garlic. Remember last week I made the tri-tip roast with tons of potatoes onions carrots? Well, I can begin to actively work on devouring that exercise in cooking. For lunch I processed a number of garlic toes and fried vegetables and part of the roast. This is probably too many calories but the food was certainly comforting and maybe my imagination but seems like I've coughed less since launch.

I am trying not to admit an issue I tried to cope with but I'm going to have to come clean. I think I'm in a little stir crazy. I have really been of my apartment for a couple weeks except going down to the lobby check for mail. I think I may need a change of venue. The weather does not look to supportive right now. Hopefully, I will be healthy enough in the weather will be warm enough to let me get back into riding the bus and seeing the faces and hopefully enjoying an early spring…

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