Wednesday, February 26, 2020

You know, It's In The Mail

Thank goodness it was only a cleaning. I noticed last week when cleaning my desk that I had a dental appointment for Wednesday the 26th but there was no year attached to the date. I kind of figured it was last year's notification which just got lost on the piles of debris. Then earlier this week I got the recorded call letting me know that I had an appointment at 11 PM on Wednesday the 26th. I honestly do not remember making this appointment.

Oddly enough yesterday I was notified that I had an opportunity to model for photographs for the agency I used to work with Utah Disability Developmental Council or UDDC. I was notified that they needed to update their cache of images for brochures, newsletters, PSA's etc. did pretty much used all the photos they had collected over the years and then they realized that very few of those images had signed releases and really couldn't be used. I did not have a problem with that and when they told me there might be some cash involved I was doubly ready for the adventure. So when the space of 48 hours my usually calm and boring Wednesdays almost became overfilled. My dance card is full.

Just a cleaning. The main chair at my dentist's office was full with ongoing oral surgery. This meant I would have to use the dental chair/room of last resort at the far end of the building. I of course had no problem with this and neither did the dental hygienist but it is tight quarters and we had to make sure that she would be able to get around my head do the work which the little finagling we're able to pull off. I was pleased to find that I didn't have any cavities. I didn't have to go any further than just today's operation of cleaning. I got my questions answered the tooth I have in the back which bleeds periodically and the teeth I have that are sensitive are sensitive because there are pockets of space between these teeth are food accumulates but since now I'm flossing daily as well as brushing I'm looking good. This is the first time I've had such positive results. I left the building a happy fellow.

Luckily, I made contact once good with Avery to find out if in fact she was able to find a vehicle to come fetch me. She had not and would not because there are not any Uber type options for people powered wheelchairs like mine. This of course leaves mainline transit. I was thinking this photo shoot would be done at the U DDC downtown office but no, the shoot took place in a place called Inn between. As near as I can tell this is long-term care or independent living options for DD folk as well as seniors. It's kind of up on the east side of Salt Lake 1100 E. and 1266 S. a long ways away. Luckily Avery did the footwork and found a bus route that takes me almost to the property and that's what I took. Two bus transfers and a lot of anxiety that made the trip in just over an hour. I have to admit I was kind of impressed with myself.

I was kind of impressed watching the photo shoot in the photographers do their job. They use before the number of shots probably around 20 images were taken. I supposedly was an employer doing an interview of prospective employee with a developmental disability. That this great software which allowed another photographer to look, evaluate/adjudicate the images as they were taken. Less than three or four minutes my portion of the operation was done and I was just in the way. I was profusely thanked for making it to the shoot and said the check was in the mail we shall see…

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