Saturday, February 29, 2020

Leap Day

It's Leap Day that really holds no significant bearing or meaning except for the fact that we got married a bunch of years ago but we only counted leap days because we got married on 29 February.. We did not plan for this to happen we had be out of our apartments, respectively, by the end of the month that you're just happen to be a leap year. Sadly (as the dedicated reader knows ) we are no longer married but I felt I had to at least acknowledge the day so I texted DD this morning I wished her happy un anniversary and DD responded the same. We even placed the call afterwards visited briefly. It was a good call and we both laughed and went on our way. Don't think we dare push it past that point. I think for both thankful, I know that I am, to be friends and possibly best friends. I don't think anyone knows me as well Dianne and the same for her. What kind of on our own here twist in the wind. I think we both know that we know each other and meet each other and are for each other right now. I don't know if it'll always be this way that seems right for the time being.

I rode the bus today. Today was actually warm almost 60° even though it was overcast as a storm is coming in. I was anxious to use by new black basket so I was back to the dollar store. I really like that place I bought a ton it seems like a lot of stuff , stupid stuff. Spicy peanuts, pork rinds, barbecue chips, two different kinds of peanuts, M and M almonds. Not one item that I really needed. When I was done I amassed a bill of $17.95! Wow. It seems like such a deal. I was into a podcast yesterday about how dollar stores carry brand items made especially for dollar stores. These audits are just a shade smaller then the items that go to regular markets. These items are for poor people the kind of folks I go to the dollar stores typically. That is so funny but it's true once I started thinking about it. But Dana my person a couple years ago wannabes go to antibacterial soap ie. Dial I bought a couple of the soaps they had there at the dollar store and truly the bar of soap was significantly smaller but quite usable and you know in the end of the soap washes down to just shards. So, even if the bar soap is smaller I think I did a deal. I'm still digesting this information about how giant markets cater to low-income folks by offering them dollar stores and the like. What a sick society.

Later on in the afternoon my friend Lori talked me into meeting. The village in on the corner. I really don't like to Village Inn but it's an easy place to get to for everyone. I drank the coffee (overpriced) but that was all I could bring myself to eat anything else which is okay because I went to the dollar store and got an apartment full of junk…

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