Friday, October 29, 2021

Friday Night Thoughts


it's Friday night and here I sit in front of my computer screen updating my blog. I mean in other circumstances I probably would be doing just exactly the same thing but in different areas. Truth is I'm a pretty boring guy all things being equal. 25-30 years ago , when I would go out on a Friday night I wasn't much fun and quite often early on but start looking forward to being home in bed. Kind of crazy. I loved the illusion of some kind of “with it” kind of guy but knew how to party and be the life of the party. I wasn't. This is not a confession just a fact. That was when I was younger, had strength, and a vehicle. I had substance I was much more than just a facsimile of the American male. Tonight, besides writing this document, I'll be lucky to finish watching one of my Marvel movies are parts of them and then rolling into bed to do it all over tomorrow. Sometimes I really do feel like a character in the movie.

My home health person, Gloria, as indicated the last two weeks she was going to stop by and do some cleaning that has not happened yet. Tomorrow, supposedly, she'll be by the place around one or 2 PM after she finishes a weekend client to do some cleaning here. I really hope she shows up my place is in chaos. I live in a small apartment which means that it shouldn't take long to do a decent job. But I have all these boxes of skin support items cluttering up the house/apartment which may challenge the cleaner but I'm really willing to separate 20 to 40 bucks to see what she can do. I have great hopes.

Since almost 8:00 PM on a Friday night. When the putter around the apartment for a little bit longer maybe do some time on the Internet see if there's anything interesting happening out in Internet land tonight. If I didn't really motivated maybe I'll wander up to the second floor Coke machine and see what brand of carbonate I might like to ingest tonight. However I just remembered I have some tonic waters that I've had for some time that I've never gotten around to mixing gin and tonic. I have the gin and I have the tonic I just don't feel like I need to be gin rummy tonight but maybe a tonic might be okay. Anyway, happy Friday night everyone who puts your beginningto a great weekend


Kelly Bowles said...

We have gone from late Friday nights at the Bronco Hut to early to bed Friday nights after a Net-Flex movie. My how times have changed.

Meadowlark's Mind said...

Thank you very much for your comments KC. I sure don't want to live in the past but those were certainly glorious nights was long long Friday nights. Enjoy your Netflix my friend and sleep well happy holidays