Sunday, October 17, 2021

Traveling Man


Each day is a gift – – I know this And I try to practice this go to the end concept. All I don't go marching around preaching the concept are trying to witnesses like a born-again but I like to practice the news each day as the gift it is to me. Sadly and I try not to dwell on it, that my gifts or days are going to end at some point in time relatively soon. That's okay I've got a lot of gifts many of which are stored in my memories. This is good.

Today my gift came early waking at four clock or something like that and not being able to get back to sleep which is okay because it's Sunday and we have breakfast on Sundays over at the restaurant. I actually slept relatively well considering I'm battling disinfection of whatever it is. My goal however was to somehow get over to a clinic with a urine sample and and if I have some kind of super bladder infection I want to get medication that will knock the disease out. Great breakfast with Mark Anthony and Jasmine and later Mark took Jasmine home and returned with his scooter to help clean up around my apartment which I greatly appreciated. While he did that we found the Insta care clinic that I go to to see if they were opened day for urine samples we found such a facility at the great I HC facility in Murray Utah. The only problem is we had to get the urine sample over there which basically meant a trip on public transit The only problem is on Sundays transit moves slowly. I mean what are usually half an hour pickup times turn into one of our pickup times if not longer. So Mark Anthony suggested that we just drive over there in a power chair and on his scooter. I didn't think that a great idea but Mark talked me into the challenge. I really didn't think my chair would make such a trip on a battery charge that Mark convinced me that we often go as far as what the computer said the distance was from my apartment to the medical center. Aside from the bladder issue which is making me feel like I have to urinate there are half an hour or so and my butt feeling pretty much okay for such a trip I figured let's give it a shot.

To beautiful day, clear with lots of sunshine and fairly warm temperatures preceding a storm rolling in later today. We truly went over Hillandale's traveling in the street on the sidewalks and sometimes down some alleys on our trek. I was totally impressed at how well my body held up to this challenge. Aside from being a bit bumpy and having to place a spasmodic leg onto the foot pedal two or three times I did okay. I got my specimen handed them and it's good to bus back to the apartments. I was filled with great anticipation that the physician would actually send in my script to the pharmacy. Is working with this on-call doc name Ricin it was okay but the little aloof. He was to give me a call for directions once he had the specimen looked at initially I guess the still going to try to grow cultures. Of course I did not have my phone immediately available when he called and I missed it mirrors a 45 minute search for the answers service to contact him and call me again and then he pretty much told me that he left a message on my phone answering service which he did but basically told me that he called the information into my “My Chart” software. I hate this kind of stuff! I'm sure everything is there but I was in no mood to try to get a hold of ricin again and he didn't want to hear from me. I spent an hour trying to get into my chart. Of course it needs names and passwords I have long forgotten and didn't seem to have any luck in establishing new passwords in such. So getting any medication today is a no go. So, tomorrow after my program all call my doc and see if I can get them to open up my “My Chart” or maybe just give me the information about whether or not they've sent a prescription and and then find out just what the hell is going on with my body.

The last part was, the downer I know but when I got home I had logged 6.1 miles on my chair I'd gone all the way from my apartment there and basically got back again and the chair did not feel me once I was and still impressed it was a pretty good day…

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