Monday, October 18, 2021

Monday Night Moans


I was pleased when I noticed a message flash on my cell phone this morning that my description was ready to be picked up! I give myself up for an intense morning of communicating or trying to communicate with my physician's office in trying to run down the lab results for my urine sample from yesterday and then having the prescription sent over to my pharmacy. Imagine my relief when I got the message was all done. The morning started out dark and gloomy but luckily the real storm had not wandered in yet. Even though the outside looked dismal it was actually temperate and I actually dug out my red fluffy coat which I wear great deal of the time during the winter especially when the precipitation snow or rain. The red jacket was probably little overkill for today but it made me feel good to where it and to know that it was ready to go for the upcoming season.

I was proud of myself I pretty much stuck to my goal of just picking up the prescription and returned home. Remember yesterday I was talking about how I thought that I would be okay bladder infection lies because I was on amoxicillin for my tooth wear my pharmacist told me that the script that I picked up the day was super intense and was focused the work primarily in the urinary area. In fact the pharmacist told me to be sure to ingest The medication during meals because he said the body absorbs this medication better that way. I've taken the medication now it's probably been seven hours and maybe I'm expecting too much from the medication but it's hasn't really started doing anything yet. I'm still fairly symptomatic which means I have to catheterize every 20 or 30 minutes and only getting out 10 or 20 mL of urine. I'm sure it'll kick him. If I get real brave and actually look at what the medication as and how it works.

The positive message that I've had this morning first thing was kind of offset when my home health guide did not show up at 8:30 AM are at 9 AM at 9:30 AM I was getting really concerned I got a call from the agency that my guy had run into some family emergencies you had to take care of today and the agency was scrambling trying to find someone to handle me. They want to know what I wanted to do I told him I want my shower my poop and that was that. I told him that I didn't really want to get dressed have to undress and everything in the middle of the day so I'd wait till 10 AM and if nothing happens than will regroup then. 9:50 AM I hear knocking the door and Melanie walks in. For the faithful reader Melanie was my home health person before Tristan started who is the “substitute” provider. I found that Melanie has cancer in fact she's lost 40 pounds – – and this was a chick didn't have 40 pounds to lose – – in fact she was started her chemo regimen as soon as she finished with me and sadly Melanie did look like death warmed over.Melanie does even have a car right now and one of the management guys drove her over. Jeff could've more than done the job himself I don't know why didn't it was a shame to put Melanie through this. I hope she makes it but I don't hold out much hope which is really too bad.I spent the rest of the day just focused on trying to feel better and keep myself from totally getting wet from a leaking Dick. I did cook and actual dinner tonight hamburger patties one of my favorites not just hamburger patties but mini meatloaf patties nights where the old days. I even had mashed potatoes and gravy feels like a Monday night

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