Sunday, March 12, 2023

Spring Ahead


It was misty with a mix of snow rain this morning as I made my way over to the restaurant from the apartment complex. I surprised myself by community in time for breakfast even though forgot set the alarm clock. What's strange is that I even double checked the clock (cell phone). The cell phone does so well usually alarm-wise. Then all nice/mornings for this to have occurred it was the day that we were supposed to set the clocks forward an hour for daylight savings time. But unfortunately, my internal clock got me a few minutes after 6 AM – – which was actually 5 AM. I could have used that extra hour. As I said I surprised myself by getting dressed on time even my shoes!

Jasmine texted me just before leaving for the restaurant to advise that she was not feeling well not be joining us. That's half the crew: Jasmine and her boyfriend. But that's okay Mark Anthony and I had a great breakfast and had a good visit. Jasmine indicated that we would have dinner at the apartment sometime this week when she got to feeling better. That sounds kind of exciting I'm just going to have to keep the apartment some form of order until the dinner. Something to look forward to. Other than that it's been a quiet day thank goodness for Netflix.

I have a friend of the southern portion of the United States in an affluent but somewhat rustic community. This is great when able-bodied but if you have a disability things get a little dicey. You are from the lot I wish I knew how to better help. She really needs sophisticated medical attention and sports that such a community seems to be lacking. We talked for a while I think the solution would be for her to return to Salt Lake or some other University City with medical school. It's so hard when you're a senior with limited abilities and oddly enough that's probably a receipt because it's about definition of aging is your ability to do things when you're young and able? Our country is so messed up particular area rents and senior housing. I'm part of that group from the 50s, postwar babies and there's a lot of now. I'm so fortunate – – as I've recounted over and over – – the how well I seem to be living right now but under no pretense that I think this level of independence is going to last forever. Every morning I'm a little more startled the get up independently of my bed and my chair and doing my basic ADLs before I help gets here. I think was added supports stretch time in complex like this a bit longer. But sometimes if I just don't dropped at 1st I went to consider the dreaded long-term care facility. I think I'm pretty realistic. I feel I should be more concerned about this when question but I at relative ease at the time being and maybe and just an ostrich with my head in the sand(

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