Monday, December 11, 2006

Piddles of Puddles and Piles of Poo


This morning launched Ginger’s fourth day at our house and she continues to be a member in good standing at the house hold. I have to admit, however, I am blurry eyed this afternoon. The pup continues to cry at night when we put her down in her cage. Gabe brought over a huge pillow for her to sleep oh and Dianne got a traveling Cage for Ginger. Actually the cage is huge, bug enough the cage has dividers so two animals could ride at once. We have placed the cage in the spare room for the time being. That room is close to ours and we can hear the dog pretty good as she yelps and howls. In all fairness to the pup last night she “cried” for less then twenty minutes after she was put in her cage. She was even silent through the night, this does not necessarily mean she was a sleep through night she was quiet. This is a gigantic step compared to Friday or Saturday nights. I feel this is a great sign. I did note the Ginger did start up this morning very son after I got up.( 4:30 am.
I have also noticed that Ginger is settling in round the house. She has established a favorite hide out under the dinning room table. She has drug some clothes under the table and made a small nest where she will sit for as long as I sit at my computer in the front room.

I noticed that the pup also likes to be under my wheelchairs, which ever one I might be in at the time. Having the dog underwheel like this really makes me nervous. Ginger has become feisty in the time she has been at the house. She is a pup and tends to frolic especially after she comes in out of the cold from doing her” business”. I have to be ever vigilant at this time to make sure her tail or other body parts art not in the vicinity of my wheels. A smashed tail, I am sure, she could no doubt deal with but a broken back, leg or skull is another matter entirely. Dianne does not seem worried about Ginger’s risk exposure feeling she will have to look out for herself sooner or later; still doenot make it any easier on me.

Dianne has done a very good job of keeping an eye on the little critter. Any time Ginger even looks like she is getting ready to piddle or poo Dianne whisks her out to the front yard when Ginger dutifully does her deed. She has piddled inside four or five times but I doubt she has really pooed as yet. We had freezing rain last night and snow this morning and the inclement weather did not detour the dog and her rounds. Ginger is chewing now and I have to remember to pick up my leather bomber jacket off the floor or I will be the only one blame if Ginger finds the garment and thinks it’s her very own ”slim jim” meat product.

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