Thursday, September 19, 2019

Senior Center Avoidance Syndrome

This is my senior center the Taylorsville senior center. I'm fortunate in that this center is actually directly across the driveway from my building's front door. It's just a quick sprint at the number for setting on my power chair and I'm there, how lucky is that?

I'm so pleased to have established fairly normal conversations with my ex – Dianne. Dianne is great And I've missed our conversations. Anyway, Dianne still lucid Murray and she takes advantage of the senior center in that area. Actually she goes to another senior center that has a great swimming pool. And she uses some of the classes that use the swimming pool which is been great. I guess the point I'm getting to is that Dianne loves her senior center when it really offers a great deal for her.I am kind of envious. As we have visited Dianne has informed me how great her center is and so I've been trying to rethink how I can use my center and make my center Great!

This morning after Thursday coffee I figured I would head down to the mailroom And check out what was being offered at the senior center for lunch. There is a menu stuck up on the bulletin board in the mailroom and truthfully menus also sent out every month with a calendar of events at the senior center but I usually trash mine so he wants to well I think what are they having today at the senior center? And now check out what they have. In all honesty I checked it out a couple times especially on birthdays when I first became a resident here at Plymouth View. When you move in you get a free lunch and then much a registered at your senior center every birthday the issue you a free lunch ticket. Now seriously in all honesty I have gone to about four lunches and none of them have been remotely appetizing. And seriously, I Am somebody who is always loved institutional food. I thought the best part of my rehabilitation was the food that I got from the rehab center. I rolled around the building again and saw the exercise area were know the machines are wheelchair accessible, I didn't see any programs that I could really utilize. Then everybody which is so old looking like typical old people I know that sounds elitist but it's the way that I see it. What happened the day which was strange to me was when I use my identification card (you have to use your ID card every time you go to the building and then choose what area that you want to go to whether it's social, lunch, recreational activities, library etc.) on purpose I did not choose any section hit cancel on the way out in this actually brought the director of the organization out to see if I needed help, she thought I was confused but I didn't know which one to hit.I took this is my signed a leave and I left going out into the morning sun feeling like I just escaped something terrible. I guess the senior centers are great Giving folks a place to gather, socialize eat one meal a day and just go on existing. I don't think I'm there yet between family and social networks and computer ties seem to be doing very well thank you. However I do wish my senior center was better…

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