Sunday, December 14, 2008

Just Another Sunday Afternoon

More images from yesterday Dianne Birthday dinner...

Yesterday’s snow has melted and froze and was snowed upon again today and now the temperature is dropping an there shall be a hard freeze tonight meaning tomorrow’s commute in and out to the train will be quite a struggle. I am not concerned so much about the temperature a much as I am concerned at the ice flows which will be all over he sidewalks. People usually do a fairly good job of clearing the walks of snow it is the industrial section which I travel I am most worried about. The folk who do the snow removal only the industrial sidewalks usually just push the snow off the end of the walk right into the cut out at the end of the walk, where the side walk meets the street and there snow “bergs”, turn to ice, and remains until the thaws. I am not worried…much. When the snow and ice is like this I am really thrust into the street, even more then I like. I just have to be careful. I now have the new tires with good tread and this will help to some degree. I also have my new, huge white coat and I should be warm as toast no matter where I go.

This year I m going to try something I have not really tried in years past. I am going to report ice flows which cause people walking and in wheelchairs to have to be in dangerous places. I kind of did this last year to limited positive result but this year I aim to put the full press on the Murray city government and whine, cry and bitch to make sure my path of travel is safe. Just a Sunday night.

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