Monday, November 16, 2009

Getting Comfortable with the Process

The sun is setting on this day, first day back on the job in nearly two weeks. The day has been uncomfortable but doable. Hopefully, I'll sleep better tonight and drain better tomorrow. I think I am going to just have to learn to cath my self safely so I can cath at work and other places way from home or away from Dianne. I mean, I have seen 'paras' do it and if they can do it I can do it. I just have to get more comfortable with the whole process.

I spent the day recanting my story of the time I was away on medical appointments, I had a tone of calls I am still returning and of course the new calls coming in today.Dianne got up with me cathed me and helped me dress and i was to work on time. The big trick now is replication for the reminder of the week. This can be done.

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