Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thanksgiving Week

It’s Thanksgiving week and the house is not ready and we are having the dinner at out our house and I m trying not freak. Granted it is going to be a small gathering this year with mom dying this last Summer—this is the first of the major holidays with out her. Without mom being here( on this earth as we know it) I feel kinda of lost. When mom was in Salt Lake we made sure that we gathered at Thanksgiving, at least. But now I feel the family drifting apart. The drift was predictable but still kind of sad. So this year we are having the dinner here with just Bridget, Gabe and Anakah maybe Mark A but that is bout all as I know at this point in time. It seems like the right thing to do.

The fridge needs cleaning, we have to make room for the bird and other items for the dinner. We have yet to get the turkey. I think Bridget is getting pumpkin pie from Costco Dianne is making the dressing and roles and that is bout it. Done! So, I have been trying to wash dishes an clean where I can but it’s a slow process and I doubt we will much more cleaning before the holiday. So, I’m working a three day workweek with a major meeting tomorrow, Monday and then I should be done for a while. Clouds rolled in today and temperature is dropping rain and possibly snow tonight. Its feeling like Thanksgiving but its just not the same with mom gone.

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