Tuesday, February 16, 2010


For the most part the President’s day holiday was gray and a little chilly but what can one expect for a February holiday. The sun hid most of the weekend but we enjoyed the weekend just the same. We were fortunate to have one of the granddaughters over to spend the night. Last week we had gone to Hatch Family Chocolates—while at the candy store I purchased a box of almond toffee, a favorite of mine from my Boise days when my dad would get one box of Owyhee Almond Toffee each Christmas. The box I had purchased was almost a sample size and was gone in a flash. So with Anakah coming over we decided to take her and drive up to the “Avenues” where Hatch Family Chocolates are located, this time to get a larger sized box of toffee.

The chocolate shop was a bit of a zoo when we got there. We had to download me into the street since there was no designated parking areas available. Oh yeah, I was talking about zoo probably because he next day was Valentine’s Day and people do love to give chocolate as valentines. By the time I was down loaded the was a lull in activity allowing us to get inside the shop and find a place to sit. One must keep in mind this shop is housed in pretty old architecture and is not very accessible at all—BUT I am able to get my power chair inside without much hassle, it’s just maneuvering is the challenge. To access this property a wheelchair user my enter , what I believe is the rear of the building and come through a fairly narrow hallway to the front of the shop.

We found a table and sat down while Dianne and Anakah went up to the candy shelves and looked at the sweets and purchased. I bought a half pound of the toffee while Dianne and Ani got dipped strawberries, dipped candies and I think a banana split. As we sat there I noticed a couple walk up with their stroller and the bent down and released their child and carried him into the store into the store which was cool but then another couple pushing their perambulator into the store and totally blocked the exist of the shop for people using wheelchairs for mobility. What do people think? Do they think this is OK? At one time a blocked exit would have driven me crazy but I handled it pretty good. Luckily the aisle blocking family did not stay long and were gone when we were ready to leave. I was able though to get an image of the dad and the stroller blocking the path. I apologize for the quality of the image, I took the shot with my cell phone . I really cannot point my finger too much since the size of my chair is a major barrier in and of itself and I should not be throwing stones but still people think it through—I would leave my chair outside if I could walk but then I would not even need a chair…I’m glad to be back to work.

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