Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Just Doing My Job, Ma'am

This has been one of the mile long days, slow. The phones have been too quiet which really stretches the day as well. So I was doubly excited when the phone rang and I was greeted by Suparna from Juno—that’s right Juno Alaska ! One of the great things about my job is the duties might change from day to day. Really hard question of challenges that other folks wish not to deal with or cannot deal with, usually end up in my basket.

Seems that Suparna is the personal secretary for a traveling paraplegic(para) coming to Utah to train for the Para Olympics and as long as he is in Salt Lake why not take in a professional basketball game. Suparna was beside her self—she had been trying all morning to find tickets for the “disabled seating” options and could not find any way to order such tickets onlihne.
Long story, but I used to frequent this arena a lot when the professional hockey team used , what used to be the Delta Center ice. The Delta Center has a number designated seating for folks with disabilities. Personally I don’t think the seating is all that good but what do I know I hate organized sports and would generally read when I went to the games. Also what I also remembered is there always seemed to be a lot of able bodied folks seated in these sections who were not connected to anyone in wheelchairs. So I took compassion of Suparna who had been struggling with the website to no avail.

I hate organizations who are afraid to list real contact information on their web pages. These organization make finding their contact information a game . I mean someone like should get a prize when they get to speak with a real human. It took me awhile to figure it out but I finally found a number for someone, a real person at the Arena. I called and got “Mike” who informed that because tomorrow’s game is a “Lakers” game all the tickets have been sold out. Great. So I explained to Mike about the Para Olympian who was coming to Utah to train for the Paralympics and how good it would for this guy to be able to catch tomorrows game. Mike turned me on to Johnathon in “Public relations” and group seating and if there were any seats anywhere Johnathon would have them. I was loess then hopeful but I did call Suparna back and she was delighted. Suparna had something to tell her Para. I told her he should just show up at the game smile his way in. Some of those para shave the best smiles I tell you a great smile and a para Olympian he couldn’t loose. I asked Suparna to call me back to let me know how things turned out but I doubt she well. I will just become a misplaced or lost phone number when she finally gets everything squared away for her traveling para. But that’s OK, I did my job, went the extra-mile and got some action on an otherwise boring afternoon.

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