Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Summer Slipping Away

It's Tuesday, Tuesday morning and I'm just about ready to get dressed and head out the door for my Wellness programs-- that project I'm involved in and trying to rebuild my body and gain the muscle, skills and well enjoy the rest of my life. I have become a real believer in the Wellness program. I go three days a week, I'd go more if I thought attending more Wellness sessions would help me become leaner and more able. But, it has been determined that three days is all I need and it sounds okay. Wellness has almost become a full-time occupation with me and at first I thought this was wrong, how can I focus so much time just on myself? As I've written in the past I end up spending about four hours at least going into and coming back from my one-hour wellness session. You know what? That's okay I think I'm worth it-- the time being focused on myself, bettering myself, making myself literally stronger and better able to take care of myself. I have to be careful however, in that I do not become more self absorbed that I actually am lose my focus, my fellow man. I have been a little better this last week and better responding to people around me that might need recognition for myself are more attention than I've been giving people. I have a ways to go before I am Gandhi but every journey starts with a single step. The summer is dwindling I can feel it, perhaps it's the shorter days, or the fact that the heat, the summer heat is changing to fall heat which is altogether different. I mean you may have a day in late August 90° and feels totally different than July 90° weather and I don't know if it's the heat of the day that never really leaves even at night but that the heat lingers all through the day and most of the night. Now when I go to bed in the evening I feel the coolness of the night, the heat of the day has evaporated, and gone away, it's cool and I pulled the covers up around my noseto keep warm slip off into slumber. Unlike the heat of summer that fills the complete darkness of the night and just hangs there forcing me to sleep nude with no covers until the coolness of early morning summer slides in for just a moment for the heat builds in the new day. That's gone now the backbone summer has been broken and fall creeps in on little cat feet. I'm kind of excited about this week. I have agreed to go into 211 this Thursday and Friday morning to cover Gloria's shift since she will be out of town for the wedding. This will give me up and out the last two days the workweek for half a day. This is great getting up early, training and the city, spend a half-day and leaving noonish and having the rest of the day at my disposal. So, I got a go. I've trains to catch people to see and machines to turn today is Wellness and I am indeed, well.

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