Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Fair Fare

It is not news that I leave for my volunteer post at 211 early in the morning. It's not news that I usually stop at the Starbucks directly behind my bus stop and I count my moments at Starbucks, on these mornings, many times is the high points of my day. I enjoy the experience of being welcomed by committed the building, all the baristas seem to know me and what I want or need or will order. It's kind of fun. I learned over the years now that is difficult to carry out coffee in mygear, A backpack that I carry in front of myself. I place the coffee in one of the pockets of the backpack and I do quite well. I have rarely had problems carry my coffee from Starbucks to 211.

Yesterday morning I woke slowly almost hung over it seemed. I had only had 3 1/2 hours. So I cannot say that I was surprised when I woke up half an hour later than usual. I'm new at this time would affect my travels but I was not worried. I have almost 90 min. built into my early morning schedule which allows me to get to work way before the time I need , In fact I actually laid an extra half an hour in bed knowing I would still be able to get to work on time, Toyota cutting it close, but I would be on time and besides hell, I volunteer! Still I don't want to push my volunteer options. So, it's Tuesday so I get my venti coffee, two pumps of vanilla and whole milk. And I was out waiting for the bus even with the time differential I had only missed by regular bus. Sure enough the 201 inbound was on time but I got on the bus 7:09 AM. I was amused somewhat taken back when the driver asked to see my bus fare when I entered the vehicle. This rarely happens and that's okay. Most drivers act as a seeing my bus pass was the last thing on their minds as they strapped me in for my ride to the train station. But every once in a while there is an eager beaver or I sometimes sense comments are made during report that all drivers will look at bus passes and bus fares on specific days. I don't know? But anyway today this driver let me know if He needed to see my.fare. Now consider a use power chair for mobility I have a backpack rested on my feet I have a large cup of coffee in my hand and Coming board the bus and the driver wants to see my bus pass… Something has to give.You have to get rid of my coffee so I motor my chair to my usual seating area which has the regular seat folded upTo make room for my power chair. What I learned is that on most days I can wedge my cup of coffee in the foldout seat which works just fine. With my free hands I can then dive into my backpack and pull out my bus pass. I don't know what happened yesterday morning but as I was attempting to wedge my cup of coffee into the seat the top exploded in a third of the coffee escaped the Cup And went on to the floor.I was pleased the driver did not lose it on seeing the coffee I think he realized it was his demand to see my bus pass which caused the problem. Still there was some tension. We danced around the issue at the end of the ride both agree that had he been my usual driver and seeing my bus pass at the first of the month he would know that I was good all month for the bus fare and not asked see the document.

The bus driver is the boss. I wish they could be consistent either show the bus pass every time you board and not worry about is more important things to worry about than making sure the poorest of the writers have bus fare.

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