Friday, October 11, 2013

I Borg

Couple weeks ago, when I was stopping smoking, I was experiencing feelings of anxiety. I don't know if the anxiety is related to the smoking or other events happening in my life such as retirement. There is also the thought that the anxiety might be related to something more nefarious or rooted in my body so I start the process of examining what could be happening in my life that might cause such anxiety. The only thing that raised its ugly head was that I had seen the cardiologist months earlier at the request of my primary medical person. You might remember from reading about the cardio cyst A few months back. Anyway, I sort of became fixated that the events of anxiety are related to the cyst. So I called the cardiologist spoke with his nurse who of course hemmed and hawed and finally said I should come in. Now you got to realize the cardiologist is ancient! Seriously this guy is old but I think he's brilliant in an old guy sort of way. He's old school, he told me to come back for year unless something similar happened and I don't think feelings of anxiety is something to him. I could tell. But anyway the nurse made the appointment for now & last week.

Sure enough Dr. Sheen looked at me like I had three heads which is even stranger two heads. The docor lookd at my file then looked at me then looked at my fileagain and asked me” what are you doing here”? I could tell he thought I was just fine and those as being a little histrionic. He looked at me like his time on this earth a short and he don't need boobs like mw take enough but little precious time he have left. But he paid attention to what I said and especially to what Dianne said Then To pacify me Ordered a CT scan of my heart and then as if to punish me he also ordered that I wear a heart monitor for a month. Who has to wear a heart monitor for a month! A couple days I could see, maybe even a week but sucking month! I mean really I don't see how I could wear the monitor a night time sleep. But I'm going to try to be compliant and see what comes. I think I'm okay and if I can wear the device for couple days or even month I'll get this behind me will see.

Well anyway yesterday was the CT scan. I scheduled the scan for Thursday, that is the day I don't have anything going as far as volunteer or Wellness. I scheduled for 10 o'clock just so I could make it on time and not have to get up too early. I don't know what I was expecting I mean I did this before I thought it was no big deal. But I got to Radiology and was wheeled me in to the CT machine. They took blood! I did know they're going to take blood, the tech said it was to see if my kidneys are working to flush out whatever they use for the contrast. That scared the snot out of me. Then they wanted me to transfer on this little plastic can't that would eventually be shoved inside this giant plasticdonut. I could not transfer they looked at me like I had three heads again.They finally brought in a crew to make the transfer. Then there I was laying on the plastic cot I was scared I was going to have a maximum spasm and throw me off the cot. Well luckily nothing happened oh except when they took the blood hurt like everything but then that's me being a boob. I did get the heating sensation which was weird, and was scared me big time if the tech had not explained the phenomenon to me before hand.

The images turned out great and I should hear back from a cardiologist in a day or so. The heart monitor arrived a couple days ago and so to put it on soon see what happens… I'll let you know

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