Sunday, February 02, 2014

Birthday Thoughts

Today is my birthday, today I am 63 and that is a long time and I should be thankful and I am. I have had a pretty good run so far. Born in the middle of the 20th century, adopted into a pretty great family, I managed to survive numerous near death experiences, marriages sand jobs. I have ended up with a great marriage, great partner, great kids, grand kids and a life with more good experiences then bad.

I love to talk, I love to help people I love being part of a conversation and something bigger. I love conspiracies theories, secrets and being invisible. I love being the first to know.

I wish I had done a lot of things different. I wish I had done a lot of things better. I wish I new who my birth mother is/was just because. I wonder if knowing this information would change my life make me a better or worse person. If I knew my biologicals I would have more information as to what to look out for especially as I age—I would have better information/data to pass to my children and grand children to help them in their life's medical decisions. I would have better decisions to have chosen a life path, career or future.

I am 63 today, I am still growing and developing. I can feel it and at times this development feels kind of weird. As my children and grand children grow and age I can feel my self understanding myself better knowing them allows me to better know myself. Life is weird.

This is an image of my cousin Mike and my self at age five at out fifth birthday party—born on the same day we were like the family twins. I felt pretty close to all my cousins the first decade of my life but we all sort of drifted apart as time went by. Mike was in and out of Boise and my life growing up and then somewhere a couple of years before my accident he just sort of disappeared. I seem to remember he was somewhere in the great North West then I had my accident in 1966 and I seemed to loose track of everything for a while—I lost track of Mike for thirty some years. He reappeared in my life five or six years ago when he started showing up at family reunions. I was shocked and surprised—I was probably more so in that I got the distinct impression everyone else knew exactly where he was, talk about a conspiracy and one I was right dab in the middle of. I try not to ponder it too much-- I am just glad Mike and I are sorta back together. Its not like we are brothers brought together after the genocide of war or separated at birth—though we could have, nothing in this family surprises me any more. I hope I get the chance to forge a closer relationship with him be fore this time is all over. We are social networking with Facebook which seems to be working and we have the reunionsand maybe that is all we can tolerate right now, on our 63rd birthday perhaps that is best.

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