Friday, February 21, 2014

Learn the Lesson, Buy!!

Yesterday was the first full day with the new castor, which I purchased on Wednesday, and I must say it was a joy cruising Salt Lake with the repaired powerchair. Having equipment function the way it is supposed to function certainly adds a level of enjoyment to life. I must confess I am guilty of trying to get by the cheapest and less invasive way possible. I lost this castor for the first time about a month ago, blew out the bearings and I gimped along calling in State agencies, private nonprofits and other I knew owned chairs similar to mine in hopes of finding a no cost or low cost solution. I actually gleaned a lot of good intel with this last challenge but seriously I should have just took the bullet and purchased the castor. There may have been other issues that force me to explore other option—it does seem there was a problem with my chosen vendor and sorta like the only vender in the city did not have the needed bearing or castor. I tried to get by and not buy.

We recently invested in an new and different security system to protect our electronics i.e. our networked computer systems. We have a system the includes our desktop, two lap tops and tablets( I think). I hate this stuff because I always fail at things like pass words, user name and all the other things one has to remember to be responsible and adult. I would just throw caution to the wind and use a minimal amount of security—on the other hand Dianne loves any and all security and when the security system which came with the original desk expired she upgraded to a powerful and complicated security system—this program covers everything. I have tried to accept the new protector and I think I am doing pretty good but just a I begin to feel comfortable thinking I can do this, I get sucker punched or better “security punched” this last hit was the printer/scanner—specifically the scanner no longer is being recognized by the desktop. I ran into this as I was trying to scan an image to up load to my Facebook account. I post an image from my past every Friday called Flash Back Friday. The posting has become very well accepted and I enjoy the comments an “likes”. Like any beast raised or created once created the beast has to be fed. Luckily I have scanned number images into my hard drive during my “life Image” project. I am trying to scan in the entirety of my family's photo record or what is left of the early family photos. Embarrassingly, the images I have posted are of me and I guess will always be so until I run out images. I have a few more images in folders on my desktop but after about three more weeks I could be in trouble. I will have to get into settings an figure out a way to have one machine recognize the other then the problem will be solved.

Actually I am going to let Dianne to searching and figuring out. Dianne has become the computer expert technician in the household. I was the computer wizard when only I used the computer, I worked on luck and tenacity I worked on a problem until eventually I tripped on the solution. I was terrified anytime I was called to replicate configuration or process. Where Dianne actually works out the problem, Diann even calls Technical Support and will work with Support and an acceptable solution is had. So I am not too concerned I have the time before I nee to post the next Flash Back Friday.

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