Thursday, February 27, 2014

Nothing's Ever Simple

I was baptized Mormon at the age of eight years which is traditional—I like saying I was born under the covenant which I was not, really since I was adopted at birth. So, I was kinda, but needless to say I was raised full blown Mo- and even though they like to say you were baptized under your own volition or free agency you rally aren't. Seriously what eight year old kid is going to tell their parents they don't want to go under the water, one of the biggest events of their young life. Once you're baptized you one of theirs you are one of their hook line ad soul. These guys keep incredible records too—that never go away.

I have been inactive for decades now, which means I don't go to church they still count me for their official records but I have little to no contact. This is fine by me but it always awkward. I have been living in Murray Utah for two decades now and the local ward acknowledges a couple times a years usually with a Christmas letter and a reminder of the pioneer breakfast every 24th of July and we get a long fine.

Two a couple of days ago I was coming home from my Wellness workout and I had had a busy day. I had an early meeting of one of the volunteer boards I still sit on which caused me to motor in my power chair a little further then usual I saw my power indicator on my chair was getting low so I made sure I plugged into the charger they have at Wellness and I felt comfortable when I left the rehab center headed for home. But as I boarded the bus on my last leg of my journey home I noticed the indicator was in the yellow zone but no worries, I had been there before but always managed to have enough juice to get home. I did call Dianne however to let her know I might need an assist.

By the time the bus dropped me off in my neighborhood I was in the red zone and I was getting concerned but I headed forward going for broke and sure enough by the time I hot to my driveway I did not have enough juice to power up the small incline to my driveway and I was going to have to manage my good sized ramp to the house. My chair would shut down each time I tried to get up the driveway. I called my wife to asked her to come out of the house and assist me getting in. I had just disconnected the phone call when two neighborhood folk passed me walking their dog. I said “hi” and waited for Dianne. The couple walked on about ten years stopped and turned round and came back and asked if I needed assistance of any kind. I told them I did and they kindly pushed me up onto the sidewalk and onto the ramp. In the mean time Dianne came out and we all began visiting.

The spontaneous visit revealed the helpers were husband and wife(cute) and the husband was in fact the bishop of the ward. He also indicated that he had looked into my record (which he had a full record) as asked me some information of where I once lived in another state in another time. Wow, I cannot say that this freaked me out but did kind of. I appreciated the assist and the visit and possible new friendship but still it is amazing how long the reach of this organization is. I don't know how to feel, I am still sorting the event out. I can already tell more contact is in store and I am sure I am going to have to establish some boundaries but I will cross that bridge when I come to it. For time being lets everyone get along.

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