Sunday, March 01, 2020

Guilty Pleasures

This the first day of March and it's snowing out a perfect day to be in the apartment watching Harry Potter and thinking about my day and my month. I still have letters to write and I still have changed to get which I cannot do until tomorrow so today will be one of writing and cooking and trying to stay out of trouble.

As I mentioned I'm exercising the guilty pleasure by watching Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone, the first in the series. I should be doing something more productive with my time but as I said it's March 1 and snowing. I'm just now reading this same volume, the first of a series of Potter books. I've never really read them but luckily we are reading the Sorcerers Stone in Book Club. I'm really quite amazed at how faithfully the film seems to capture the book. Of course I've seen the films before after all I do have kids and grandkids and nephews and nieces. One of my nephews is totally a Harry Potter aficionado. My kids of course were very Potter fans as well especially my daughter. But I just sort of attended to the movies when they were on but I've never really seriously followed them until now. Last night I took myself out to the market mainly for something to do on a Saturday night – – I know that sounds pathetic but things are as they are. Luckily for me there is something called the Gray Whale which is almost a counterculture market but they have lots of CDs and DVDs and a fairly good selection of books but it's all music oriented more or less. I like to spend time at the Gray Whale. Luckily Harry Potter has been a bit of a phenomenon so there's lots of copies of the movie and their relatively cheap. I got this one for $5.98! It hard to write the copy from Amazon that would've been about the same price but now I have my own copy. I think I'll do the rest of the movies in the same way. As I indicated this is a guilty pleasure. I love to escape into these movies however because the movies are their own little universe almost like the Marvel universe but in a different way.

Speaking of guilty pleasures I need to move some furniture around so I can get into my DVD collection. I'm almost certain I have a copy of 12 Monkees.I know the movie almost has no relevance to what's happening today with the corona virus. The only similarity is the virus becomes pandemic . The Corona is acting the same way it's really weird to watch and becoming quite frightening. The virus itself is terrifying but even more so is the fact that the effect the virus is having on world industry might be even more terrifying everything from pharmaceuticals to plastics might be impacted. As I've written about before I began saving my catheters just in case. Even if I were to get a major bladder infection at least be able to cure the bladder infection and still pee. I'm not even trying to think about the fact that my home health person/agency services mainly seniors as well as people with disabilities overall targets for the virus. And could I get the virus in contact with them? Even here at the apartment complex. Mainly seniors and if something happens here would it spread through the whole facility? If I dwell on these for any given space of time my anxiety level begins to rise. Up until then I've got to keep faith living each day to the next and believing there's going to be a joyous/wonderful spring…

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