Tuesday, April 07, 2020

But It's Essential To Me

I rolled over my glasses again!It seems I rolled over them earlier about six months ago. I know this because it was in the cold time and I had to go down to Cosco, that's where I initially got the collapses, and was totally surprised and pleased to find out they had one more set of frames that were the kind that I had run over. So yesterday, I did the same thing. The glasses run the floor I saw them on the floor (the lesson is stop what I'm doing and either pick the glasses up our move them totally out of the way of my power chair like under the bed or something). This means another trip to Costco during the “stay-at-home time”. I do, my glasses are and essential need therefore I am perfectly justified leaving the apartment to go to where I purchased them for repair.

The temperature today is in the 60s, it's really nice bit overcast but very April like. I'm out of cottage cheese and I could use some more fruit as well therefore I felt fairly justified in gearing up to cross the street to the market. Just as I was getting ready to leave my cell phone pinged and it was my friend Elska, My text friend from the Netherlands. The Netherlands it seems has been hit really hard with the virus. She is home in lock down. She is very social conscious and aware of what's going on in Europe regarding the virus how decimated it has made Europe states. I made the mistake of letting her know I was on my way out to the market. She exploded back with Why!?! I told her because I needed the materials. Should not accept this berated me for my lack of social consideration enough to the point that I put off by trip across the street for cottage cheese and green grapes. I felt a bit sheepish, I even posted an image of myself with my black mask. That didn't help. I have everything I need, right now, in my apartment I don't need to go out just to get a social hit. Still, I can't believe I caved. Lesson: beware how much information I am willing to share with friends from Europe.

Tomorrow the weather is supposed to be as good as if not better than today. Tomorrow I'm thinking I will put on my black mask, make sure that my chair has a full charge that headdown the bus stop and go inbound to the Murray Central track stop which is where I also can get to Costco easily and have the technician at their optometry counter go to work on my frames. I might even consider an appointment, when the virus restrictions are lifted. Not that I'm making plans but if I should get some funding from the stimulus package a new set of specs might be in the run. After all I need to do my part to make sure the economy gets back to normal once this thing decides to move on and while I am out stop the market on my way home get my cottage cheese and grapes all the while wearing my black mask…

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